2025-01-24: Can’t get into it, but it’s not enough. The AI stuff. The lgbtq+ stuff. The AI stuff …

2025-01-23: DailyDogo 1154 🐶

2025-01-21: DailyDogo 1153 🐶

2025-01-20: DailyDogo 1152 🐶

2025-01-19: DailyDogo 1151 🐶

2025-01-18: DailyDogo 1150 🐶

2025-01-17: DailyDogo 1149 🐶

2025-01-16: DailyDogo 1148 🐶

2025-01-15: DailyDogo 1147 🐶

2025-01-14: DailyDogo 1146 🐶

2025-01-13: DailyDogo 1145 🐶

2025-01-12: DailyDogo 1144 🐶

2025-01-11: DailyDogo 1143 🐶

2025-01-10: DailyDogo 1142 🐶

2025-01-10: DailyDogo 1141 🐶

2025-01-08: DailyDogo 1140 🐶

2025-01-07: DailyDogo 1139 🐶

2025-01-06: DailyDogo 1138 🐶

2025-01-05: DailyDogo 1137 🐶

2025-01-05: DailyDogo 1136 🐶

2025-01-04: DailyDogo 1135 🐶

2025-01-02: DailyDogo 1134 🐶

2025-01-01: DailyDogo 1133 🐶

2025-01-01: 2024 - Recap Changelog 2025-01-02 - Fixed a link and fixed a sentence in the Notes & Setup section Blog …

2024-12-31: DailyDogo 1132 🐶

2024-12-31: If you happen to use Youtube Music: At least for me user generated playlists are at times much …

2024-12-30: DailyDogo 1131 🐶

2024-12-30: DailyDogo 1130 🐶

2024-12-28: DailyDogo 1129 🐶

2024-12-27: DailyDogo 1128 🐶

2024-12-26: DailyDogo 1127 🐶

2024-12-25: DailyDogo 1126 🐶

2024-12-24: DailyDogo 1125 🐶

2024-12-23: DailyDogo 1124 🐶

2024-12-22: DailyDogo 1123 🐶

2024-12-21: DailyDogo 1122 🐶

2024-12-20: DailyDogo 1121 🐶

2024-12-19: DailyDogo 1120 🐶

2024-12-18: DailyDogo 1119 🐶

2024-12-17: DailyDogo 1118 🐶

2024-12-17: About The Impossibility Of Steph Ango's "self-guaranteeing promises" Changelog 2024-12-27 Added links to quoted mastodon posts 2024-12-17 Title case for post title …

2024-12-16: DailyDogo 1117 🐶

2024-12-15: DailyDogo 1116 🐶

2024-12-14: DailyDogo 1115 🐶

2024-12-13: DailyDogo 1114 🐶

2024-12-12: DailyDogo 1113 🐶

2024-12-11: DailyDogo 1112 🐶

2024-12-10: DailyDogo 1111 🐶

2024-12-09: DailyDogo 1110 🐶

2024-12-08: DailyDogo 1109 🐶

2024-12-07: DailyDogo 1108 🐶

2024-12-07: DailyDogo 1107 🐶

2024-12-07: Yearly Theme 2024 Recap - Year Of Sleep Changelog 2024-12-08 - Fixed a typo 2024-12-08 Added a line about my uncertainty about …

2024-12-04: DailyDogo 1106 🐶

2024-12-04: KC Davis: How to do laundry when you're depressed Mastodon (Adrianna Tan) made me aware of this today: I cried watching this. mental health and …

2024-12-03: DailyDogo 1105 🐶

2024-12-03: I do not hate my live at all. It’s a pretty good live. As with all lives there are ups and …

2024-12-02: DailyDogo 1104 🐶

2024-12-02: Well, that was fun. #papersinsystems

2024-12-02: Last week was somehow very unproductive at work. I guess free time was somewhat more exhausting than …

2024-12-01: DailyDogo 1103 🐶

2024-11-30: DailyDogo 1102 🐶

2024-11-29: DailyDogo 1101 🐶

2024-11-28: DailyDogo 1100 🐶

2024-11-28: DailyDogo 1099 🐶

2024-11-26: DailyDogo 1098 🐶

2024-11-26: DailyDogo 1097 🐶

2024-11-25: Another non-acceptance answer to the fatalistic turn: Fuck You Optimism “Things are inevitable and there is nothing you can do about it”, is at the core of the …

2024-11-24: DailyDogo 1096 🐶

2024-11-24: Forest As System Kinda along the lines of Paradigms Are Strategic Tools: The social media researcher Erin Kissane …

2024-11-24: DailyDogo 1095 🐶

2024-11-22: DailyDogo 1094 🐶

2024-11-22: “…will discuss our polycrisis, and the swift and holistic reform of global governance …

2024-11-21: DailyDogo 1093 🐶

2024-11-21: Python really is almost on par with Javascript as regards to reinventing wheels. Venn diagram taken …

2024-11-20: DailyDogo 1092 🐶

2024-11-19: DailyDogo 1091 🐶

2024-11-18: DailyDogo 1090 🐶

2024-11-18: It is a little funny how my Oura ring claims that my stress levels are low when they are anything …

2024-11-17: DailyDogo 1089 🐶

2024-11-16: DailyDogo 1088 🐶

2024-11-16: DailyDogo 1087 🐶

2024-11-14: DailyDogo 1086 🐶

2024-11-14: Shift To Europe My General Standpoint Since I hadn’t yet written about it here (but made allusions to it on …

2024-11-14: Really good video about how #dog #training is different from testing: www.youtube.com/watch

2024-11-13: DailyDogo 1085 🐶

2024-11-13: .@manton And I also noticed that footnotes are broken on my main blog/list page: e.g. this reference …

2024-11-13: .@manton I’m back with a question about this again: help.micro.blog/t/changin… Would be …

2024-11-12: DailyDogo 1084 🐶

2024-11-11: DailyDogo 1083 🐶

2024-11-10: DailyDogo 1082 🐶

2024-11-09: DailyDogo 1081 🐶

2024-11-08: DailyDogo 1080 🐶

2024-11-07: Holy crap. Youtube Premium (Family) just got 10€ (or about 55%) more expensive in our region. …

2024-11-07: DailyDogo 1079 🐶

2024-11-07: Any indie bookstores in #finland #suomi interested to partner with libro.fm (an audible …

2024-11-06: DailyDogo 1078 🐶

2024-11-06: Don't Take Advice From Bad People, Even If It Is (Seemingly) Good There are many reasons not to take advice. Period. Life is incomprehensibly contextual. Still all of …

2024-11-06: Didn’t work exactly as I wanted (cc: @matt@isfeeling.social any chance for square image …

2024-11-05: DailyDogo 1077 🐶

2024-11-05: .@manton Is there a way to control what’s in the “description”(?) of a blog post …

2024-11-05: Latour It has been a weird, unproductive day at work. I had a hard time concentrating. I was thinking about …

2024-11-05: The following is a rant fed and sustained by worries about the hollowing out of workers rights and …

2024-11-04: DailyDogo 1076 🐶

2024-11-04: Hub "Maintenance Romanticsm" Changelog 2024-11-04 - Created this note Note Being a lighthouse keeper or an archivist or a …

2024-11-04: One thing I do enjoy a lot is text to speech and I think that this is an example where statistical …

2024-11-03: DailyDogo 1075 🐶

2024-11-02: DailyDogo 1074 🐶

2024-11-01: DailyDogo 1073 🐶

2024-10-31: DailyDogo 1072 🐶

2024-10-31: I won’t lie. Switching back from #omnivore to #readwise has made me consume more stuff in the …

2024-10-31: Paradigms Are Strategic Tools A great, if very long read (at least as far as recommendations in blog posts are concerned): Donella …

2024-10-30: An Updated Manifest Destiny - Or How Myth Making Might Intentionally Change The World After All (Comment on Andrew Dana Hudson's "Space is Dead. Why Do We Keep Writing About It?") Loved this one from Andrew Dana Hudson (who is on Mastodon: @AndrewDanaHudson@wandering.shop): Space …

2024-10-29: DailyDogo 1071 🐶

2024-10-29: #omnivore is shutting down (kinda, the sources are available and you could in theory host it …

2024-10-29: Another thing related to what I said about loosing interest as soon as something has taken VC money: …

2024-10-28: DailyDogo 1070 🐶

2024-10-28: Not gonna lie: In comparison to #node and #php the package and version management of python is …

2024-10-27: DailyDogo 1069 🐶

2024-10-26: DailyDogo 1068 🐶

2024-10-25: DailyDogo 1067 🐶

2024-10-25: Didn’t play #factorio in a while, it seems.

2024-10-25: One thing I have learned about BIG displays (I have a 42,5" one from LG): I like it about 60% …

2024-10-25: Can’t wait to play the new Factorio DLC as soon as my work day is over!

2024-10-25: As soon as I learn that something has taken VC money, I immediately loose all interest in whatever …

2024-10-24: DailyDogo 1066 🐶

2024-10-23: A streamer/Youtuber I watch for cozy vibes made a video about a very upsetting topic that leads …

2024-10-23: DailyDogo 1065 🐶

2024-10-22: DailyDogo 1064 🐶

2024-10-22: Honestly? I didn’t mind that the iPad mini wasn’t updated more than it was. Sure I would …

2024-10-21: DailyDogo 1063 🐶

2024-10-21: TIL: Using strict intervals (e.g. every week) to water your plants instead of humidity of the soil. …

2024-10-21: Back at work after a pretty bad flu that lasted the whole week. Still have some snot and some coughs …

2024-10-20: DailyDogo 1062 🐶

2024-10-19: DailyDogo 1061 🐶

2024-10-18: DailyDogo 1060 🐶

2024-10-17: DailyDogo 1059 🐶

2024-10-16: DailyDogo 1058 🐶

2024-10-15: DailyDogo 1057 🐶

2024-10-14: DailyDogo 1056 🐶

2024-10-13: DailyDogo 1055 🐶

2024-10-13: Even though I use it at times - we are kinda meant to at work; see also my latest stance vis-a-vis …

2024-10-12: DailyDogo 1054 🐶

2024-10-11: DailyDogo 1053 🐶

2024-10-10: DailyDogo 1052 🐶

2024-10-10: (chuckles) I’m in danger. (I’m not. We are save here. But it sounds impressive.) <img …

2024-10-10: I now own an anker 3-in-1 charger thingy and it’s the first time in a long time that I have a …

2024-10-09: DailyDogo 1051 🐶

2024-10-08: DailyDogo 1050 🐶

2024-10-08: I seem to be my most productive web developer self, if I strip away any kind of styling whatsoever. …

2024-10-07: DailyDogo 1049 🐶

2024-10-07: The new fridge is here. After weeks of living with a replacement fridge in the home office room …

2024-10-06: First Day of using DayOne again after my latest entry before that was from April 2018. But I yearn …

2024-10-06: Gurman: Apple to Launch New M4 Macs and iPad Mini 7 on November 1 A new mini would be great. …

2024-10-06: DailyDogo 1048 🐶

2024-10-05: DailyDogo 1047 🐶

2024-10-05: DailyDogo 1046 🐶

2024-10-04: I’m probably in the minority, but I actually do like discord. I enjoy the more private …

2024-10-03: DailyDogo 1045 🐶

2024-10-03: Really!? UPS Finland sent me a message basically saying “Your shipment is coming…”. I …

2024-10-02: DailyDogo 1044 🐶

2024-10-02: DailyDogo 1043 🐶

2024-10-01: I LOVE me some small functions/methods. For work I am implementing a class that replaces occurrences …

2024-09-30: DailyDogo 1042 🐶

2024-09-30: I am almost reluctant to write this down (because some people might not be able to use this tip), …

2024-09-30: What I didn’t consider when trying to write more posts originating from my blog: What if I …

2024-09-29: Back to posting from my blog first and crossposting - transparently - to Mastodon. It seems worth it …

2024-09-29: DailyDogo 1041 🐶

2024-09-28: DailyDogo 1040 🐶

2024-09-27: DailyDogo 1039 🐶

2024-09-26: DailyDogo 1038 🐶

2024-09-25: DailyDogo 1037 🐶

2024-09-24: DailyDogo 1036 🐶

2024-09-23: DailyDogo 1035 🐶

2024-09-22: DailyDogo 1034 🐶

2024-09-21: DailyDogo 1033 🐶

2024-09-20: DailyDogo 1032 🐶

2024-09-19: DailyDogo 1031 🐶

2024-09-19: DailyDogo 1030 🐶

2024-09-17: DailyDogo 1029 🐶

2024-09-16: DailyDogo 1028 🐶

2024-09-15: DailyDogo 1027 🐶

2024-09-14: DailyDogo 1026 🐶

2024-09-13: DailyDogo 1025 🐶

2024-09-12: DailyDogo 1024 🐶

2024-09-11: DailyDogo 1023 🐶

2024-09-10: DailyDogo 1022 🐶

2024-09-09: DailyDogo 1021 🐶

2024-09-09: A Limitation Of Laravel's Seeders - And Why It is There Laravel has pretty cool tools to work with databases and fill them with seeded data. This is useful …

2024-09-08: DailyDogo 1020 🐶

2024-09-07: DailyDogo 1019 🐶

2024-09-06: DailyDogo 1018 🐶

2024-09-05: DailyDogo 1017 🐶

2024-09-04: DailyDogo 1016 🐶

2024-09-02: DailyDogo 1015 🐶

2024-09-01: DailyDogo 1014 🐶

2024-08-31: DailyDogo 1013 🐶

2024-08-30: DailyDogo 1012 🐶

2024-08-29: DailyDogo 1011 🐶

2024-08-28: DailyDogo 1010 🐶

2024-08-27: DailyDogo 1009 🐶

2024-08-26: DailyDogo 1008 🐶

2024-08-26: DailyDogo 1007 🐶

2024-08-24: DailyDogo 1006 🐶

2024-08-23: DailyDogo 1005 🐶

2024-08-22: DailyDogo 1004 🐶

2024-08-21: DailyDogo 1003 🐶

2024-08-20: DailyDogo 1002 🐶

2024-08-19: DailyDogo 1001 🐶

2024-08-18: That 1000th pic in my “Daily Dogo” series marks by sheer coincidence also the third year …

2024-08-18: DailyDogo 1000 🐶

2024-08-18: DailyDogo 999 🐶

2024-08-16: DailyDogo 998 🐶

2024-08-15: DailyDogo 997 🐶

2024-08-14: DailyDogo 996 🐶

2024-08-14: DailyDogo 995 🐶

2024-08-12: DailyDogo 994 🐶

2024-08-11: DailyDogo 993 🐶

2024-08-11: The Way We Use LLMs Makes All The Difference I am not using a lot of AI stuff. I do, however, have access to and use GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT …

2024-08-10: DailyDogo 992 🐶

2024-08-09: DailyDogo 991 🐶

2024-08-08: DailyDogo 990 🐶

2024-08-07: DailyDogo 989 🐶

2024-08-06: DailyDogo 988 🐶

2024-08-05: DailyDogo 987 🐶

2024-08-04: DailyDogo 986 🐶

2024-08-03: DailyDogo 985 🐶

2024-08-02: DailyDogo 984 🐶

2024-08-01: DailyDogo 983 🐶

2024-07-31: DailyDogo 982 🐶

2024-07-30: DailyDogo 981 🐶

2024-07-29: DailyDogo 980 🐶

2024-07-28: DailyDogo 979 🐶

2024-07-27: DailyDogo 978 🐶

2024-07-26: DailyDogo 977 🐶

2024-07-25: DailyDogo 976 🐶

2024-07-24: DailyDogo 975 🐶

2024-07-23: DailyDogo 974 🐶

2024-07-22: DailyDogo 973 🐶

2024-07-21: DailyDogo 972 🐶

2024-07-20: DailyDogo 971 🐶

2024-07-19: DailyDogo 970 🐶

2024-07-18: DailyDogo 969 🐶

2024-07-17: DailyDogo 968 🐶

2024-07-16: DailyDogo 967 🐶

2024-07-15: DailyDogo 966 🐶

2024-07-14: DailyDogo 965 🐶

2024-07-14: DailyDogo 964 🐶

2024-07-13: #100DaysToOffload I thrive in a low-tech environment A vacation is a great chance to step back and reevaluate my current situation, maybe try a few new …

2024-07-13: Since I’m going to a Finnish course in autumn I am starting to intensify my Duolingo efforts …

2024-07-12: DailyDogo 963 🐶

2024-07-11: DailyDogo 962 🐶

2024-07-10: DailyDogo 961 🐶

2024-07-10: DailyDogo 960 🐶

2024-07-08: DailyDogo 959 🐶

2024-07-07: DailyDogo 958 🐶

2024-07-06: DailyDogo 957 🐶

2024-07-05: DailyDogo 956 🐶

2024-07-04: DailyDogo 955 🐶

2024-07-04: #100DaysToOffload Reflexions After Two Weeks Of Having Accepted My Ineffectiveness (I started #100DaysToOffload on the first of June and have written - not including this one - 12 …

2024-07-04: DailyDogo 954 🐶

2024-07-02: DailyDogo 953 🐶

2024-07-01: DailyDogo 952 🐶

2024-07-01: I have an iPhone XS and am looking to upgrade soon-ish. What would be the best next iPhone for me? …

2024-06-30: DailyDogo 951 🐶

2024-06-29: DailyDogo 950 🐶

2024-06-28: DailyDogo 949 🐶

2024-06-28: DailyDogo 948 🐶

2024-06-26: DailyDogo 947 🐶

2024-06-25: DailyDogo 946 🐶

2024-06-24: DailyDogo 945 🐶

2024-06-23: DailyDogo 944 🐶

2024-06-23: #100DaysToOffload Difference Between Productivity And Efficiency As I’m trying to figure out how to become more efficient, I need to figure out what that even …

2024-06-23: #100DaysToOffload Hub "Efficient Programming" Changelog 2024-06-23 - Created this note 2024-07-04 - Added “Reflexions After Two Weeks Of …

2024-06-23: #100DaysToOffload Categorizing Code Changes In an effort to become more efficient, I wondered how I have tackled issues at work so far: …

2024-06-22: DailyDogo 943 🐶

2024-06-22: #100daysToOffload Quality And Efficiency What does it mean to do well at work? As far as I can tell, it means that you do the work reliably …

2024-06-21: DailyDogo 942 🐶

2024-06-21: DailyDogo 941 🐶

2024-06-21: DailyDogo 940 🐶

2024-06-19: Stressful week at work. I wrote an emotional post last Friday about some of my worries. Finally some …

2024-06-19: DailyDogo 939 🐶

2024-06-18: DailyDogo 938 🐶

2024-06-17: DailyDogo 937 🐶

2024-06-16: DailyDogo 936 🐶

2024-06-15: DailyDogo 935 🐶

2024-06-15: #100DaysToOffload Just Deliver I had a hard day at work. It was hard, because I ended a streak of about three days, in which I was …

2024-06-14: DailyDogo 934 🐶

2024-06-13: DailyDogo 933 🐶

2024-06-12: DailyDogo 932 🐶

2024-06-11: DailyDogo 931 🐶

2024-06-10: DailyDogo 930 🐶

2024-06-09: DailyDogo 929 🐶

2024-06-09: #100DaysToOffload End of the myth of rational public discourse - The example of climate change A couple more items that make it clear that climate change is not going to be stopped. National …

2024-06-08: DailyDogo 928 🐶

2024-06-08: #100DaysToOffload #Oulu - Appreciating historical monuments We live in Oulu and Oulu is noteworthy in part because of the hydroelectric power plant that has …

2024-06-07: DailyDogo 927 🐶

2024-06-06: DailyDogo 926 🐶

2024-06-06: #100DaysToOffload Just Say The Thing [I keep this nebolous for my own reasons. People in the know will know. Otherwise just take it as a …

2024-06-05: DailyDogo 925 🐶

2024-06-05: #100DaysToOffload - Review: Cal Newport's "Slow Productivity" I like Cal Newport’s writing - although the person itself is also slightly strange to me: who …

2024-06-04: DailyDogo 924 🐶

2024-06-04: DailyDogo 923 🐶

2024-06-02: DailyDogo 922 🐶

2024-06-02: #100DaysToOffload - Overview Last updated: 2024-07-04 - 18:40 Similar to my overview for the WeblogPoMo, here’s one for …

2024-06-01: DailyDogo 921 🐶

2024-06-01: #100DaysToOffload Manifesto: Limiting Projects To Not Be Limited By Them (Having recently ranted against Manifestos, I had a reason to formulate one of my own. I hope that …

2024-06-01: Good Bye #WeblogPoMo2024 and Hello #100DaysToOffload! I said here that I might want to continue with writing 100 real blog posts (with a title, etc.) in a …

2024-05-31: DailyDogo 920 🐶

2024-05-31: Hub "The Fatalistic Turn" Changelog 2024-05-31 - Created this note 2024-06-09 - Added a post “End of the myth of …

2024-05-31: Post Hubs Changelog 2024-05-31 - Created this note 2024-11-04 - Added “Maintenance Romanticism” …

2024-05-31: #WeblogPoMo2024 - Thoughts on "I Like Your Blog If..." I love this post by Lou Plummer, especially this part spoke to me: I like smart and smart-ass but …

2024-05-31: DailyDogo 919 🐶

2024-05-30: #WeblogPomo - Intentions Are A Lag Measure [...] The big question when it comes to shifts of society like you describe with your examples for …

2024-05-29: DailyDogo 918 🐶

2024-05-28: DailyDogo 917 🐶

2024-05-28: DailyDogo 916 🐶

2024-05-26: DailyDogo 915 🐶

2024-05-25: DailyDogo 914 🐶

2024-05-25: #WeblogPoMo2024 - Thoughts on CoreInt 600 Listen to it here. The whole episode was about the recent OpenAI/Scarlett Johansson thing that blew …

2024-05-24: DailyDogo 913 🐶

2024-05-24: #WeblogPoMo2024 - Thoughts on "Takes spread like wildfire" An interesting post by Jason related to my recent discussions of manifestos and the general trend …

2024-05-23: DailyDogo 912 🐶

2024-05-23: DailyDogo 911 🐶

2024-05-22: #WeblogPoMo2024 By Association So Yesterday, shortly before bed, I got angry about what somebody else wrote on the internet. …

2024-05-22: DailyDogo 910 🐶

2024-05-20: DailyDogo 909 🐶

2024-05-20: #WeblogPoMo2024 - The Fatalistic Turn According to this survey there is little hope, that individual actions can do anything apart from …

2024-05-20: DailyDogo 908 🐶

2024-05-18: DailyDogo 907 🐶

2024-05-18: #WeblogPoMo2024 - A Rational Case For Protest Having agreed to write more this month has produced a handful of posts that make me uncomfortable. …

2024-05-17: DailyDogo 906 🐶

2024-05-16: #WeblogPoMo2024 - Is There A 3,5% Rule For The Web? Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts – and those engaging a …

2024-05-16: DailyDogo 905 🐶

2024-05-15: DailyDogo 904 🐶

2024-05-14: DailyDogo 903 🐶

2024-05-14: #WeblogPoMo2024 - Vulnerable Thoughts Around LLMS and generative AI It makes me extremely uncomfortable to think in terms of ethics when it comes to generative AI. I …

2024-05-13: #WeblogPoMo2024 - Thoughts on "Manifesto for a Humane Web" The developer Michelle Barker has published a very cool Manifesto for A Humane Web and I wanted to …

2024-05-13: DailyDogo 902 🐶

2024-05-12: DailyDogo 901 🐶

2024-05-12: #WeblogPoMo2024 - 100 Days To Offload Next? I need more reasons to blog regularly. Can we have a WeblogPoMo every month? I have not been as …

2024-05-11: DailyDogo 900 🐶

2024-05-11: #WeblogPoMo2024 Apple Music's Create Station Is Actually Pretty Good I do not have great needs when it comes to my music streaming service: I want (most) of the music …

2024-05-11: #WeblogPoMo2024 - Overview Last updated: 2024-05-14 - 21:32 More for me than anyone else: Here are my posts for the …

2024-05-10: Just fucking disgusting…

2024-05-10: Just… disgusting…

2024-05-09: DailyDogo 899 🐶

2024-05-08: #WeblogPoMo2024 Feeling At Home In The Abstract (From Theory To Programming) Why am I such bad photographer? Why do I not care about such things? Why am I so bad ad drawing? Why …

2024-05-08: DailyDogo 898 🐶

2024-05-07: For a second I had hopes that the iPad event would be interesting. I was hoping for mac apps on the …

2024-05-07: A New Cross-Posting Workflow, Part 1: Requirements And Thoughts On Implementation (2024-05-20 - EDIT: I have decided, that I do not have enough time to devote to this project at this …

2024-05-07: #WeblogPoMo2024 - Starting late doesn't mean not doing the thing So I guess I’m doing the #WeblogPoMo2024 after all. It’s a monthlong blogging challenge …

2024-05-07: DailyDogo 897 🐶

2024-05-06: DailyDogo 896 🐶

2024-05-05: DailyDogo 895 🐶

2024-05-04: DailyDogo 894 🐶

2024-05-03: DailyDogo 893 🐶

2024-05-02: DailyDogo 892 🐶

2024-05-01: DailyDogo 891 🐶

2024-04-30: DailyDogo 890 🐶

2024-04-29: DailyDogo 889 🐶

2024-04-29: DailyDogo 888 🐶

2024-04-28: DailyDogo 887 🐶

2024-04-27: DailyDogo 886 🐶

2024-04-25: DailyDogo 885 🐶

2024-04-24: DailyDogo 884 🐶

2024-04-23: DailyDogo 883 🐶

2024-04-22: DailyDogo 882 🐶

2024-04-22: DailyDogo 881 🐶

2024-04-21: DailyDogo 880 🐶

2024-04-20: After a lot of other stuff I’m back at it. TIL that php ENUMS are kind of hard to do …

2024-04-20: After many hours of familystuff, I’m back trying to see why one of the tests is still failing, …

2024-04-20: [Just noticed I never sent this…] #buildinpublic #mbsync Alright, so the seeder works and I can skip …

2024-04-20: It’s just really cool to me how powerful laravel’s db abstractions are. I may not know …

2024-04-20: I’m working on a little side quest atm. I’m creating a database seeder that …

2024-04-20: At the moment I’m working on implementing the minimalistic sync engine - even calling it that …

2024-04-20: I’ll continue my work on mb-sync. It’s always a little hard to know how much time I have …

2024-04-18: DailyDogo 879 🐶

2024-04-18: DailyDogo 878 🐶

2024-04-16: The metrics that people in charge at my work care about the most seem(!; to me) to be not reached. …

2024-04-16: Wanting to do a good job and wanting to do a quality job aren’t always congruent.

2024-04-16: DailyDogo 877 🐶

2024-04-15: DailyDogo 876 🐶

2024-04-15: Okay fixed the theme next/previous links: {{ $cleanContentNext := .NextPage.Content | plainify }} {{ …

2024-04-15: My theme switch has lead to a couple of problems that I have to solve it seems in time I don’t …

2024-04-14: DailyDogo 875 🐶

2024-04-14: #buildinpublic #zknstuff The library is closing soon and I’m spent mentally for the moment. …

2024-04-14: #buildinpublic #zknstuff I did it. Around 200 notes have been reviewed, filed away, linked to and …

2024-04-14: #buildinpublic #zknstuff Still 66 files to go. An observation: I need to do focussed reviews, that …

2024-04-14: #buildinpublic #zknstuff Still 136 Files to review in my Inbox and I might not do anything else …

2024-04-14: #buildinpublic #zknstuff I think that either simple note review or the underlying dataview plugin …

2024-04-14: #buildinpublic #zknstuff Even though I had abandoned the simple note review plugin since it …

2024-04-14: #buildinpublic #zknstuff I’m trying to figure out how to use these library Sundays the best at …

2024-04-14: Today I’m spending time in the library working on my notes. I thought I’d try to do a …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync That’s it for today. Lots of little things done. Learned some stuff and …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync Alright. The test for a post that is unchanged does the thing and I already …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync So. Me the last few hours: I’m not distracted, I’m on a side …

2024-04-13: DailyDogo 874 🐶

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync Ugh. And even more problems. I use the laravel validated dto package, because …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync Discoverd another problem: I was allowing the categories field (json in the …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync I’m much more familiar with codeception and my brain is kinda mushy so …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync After a late combined breakfast/lunch back at it. Still writing the testcase …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync Well, that worked. We just had to add: public function posts(): …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync Well, it seems that my models are incomplete. I am missing a relationship …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync No tests, alright. What do we want to test here? If we call markForSync() a …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync Continuing from yesterday. I will rewrite the markForSync method so it …

2024-04-13: #buildinpublic #mbsync Well. Looks like I will not continue today…

2024-04-12: DailyDogo 873 🐶

2024-04-12: #buildinpublic #mbsync Will continue but we have stuff to do in the city.

2024-04-12: #buildinpublic #mbsync It seems that I have a column in the posts table called sync_status that is …

2024-04-12: #buildinpublic #mbsync Alright found something todo: // TODO: mark post as deleted The way this app …

2024-04-12: One thing that always happens with this one: Don’t know what the next step is. Learning goals …

2024-04-12: Inspired by @vincent I am going to #buildinpublic. I have a nice little learning project that is …

2024-04-11: DailyDogo 872 🐶

2024-04-11: 1000 Days of Duolingo. I am little proud. I do only one lesson per day at the moment, so progress is …

2024-04-10: Looking forward to EchhoFeed being available. Because then I will be aböe to crosspost from Mastodon …

2024-04-10: DailyDogo 871 🐶

2024-04-09: Nice little evening walk before sleep with the dog just now. About 20 mins longer than usual. I …

2024-04-09: DailyDogo 870 🐶

2024-04-09: DailyDogo 869 🐶

2024-04-08: Took the time while my partner was driving us back to #oulu (we were visiting my partner’s …

2024-04-07: How beautiful are these words about person living in a city during war: Today I stopped by my …

2024-04-07: DailyDogo 868 🐶

2024-04-07: Took the plunge today and changed my theme for the first time since establishing my blog on …

2024-04-07: Digital Garden Changelog 2024-04-07 - introduced changelog, added Maggie Appleton’s garden as inspiration, …

2024-04-07: Loving from a distance Changelog 2024-04-07 - introduced changelog Note I today had a chance to say out loud a thought …

2024-04-06: DailyDogo 867 🐶

2024-04-05: DailyDogo 866 🐶

2024-04-04: DailyDogo 865 🐶

2024-04-03: DailyDogo 864 🐶

2024-04-02: DailyDogo 863 🐶

2024-04-01: DailyDogo 862 🐶

2024-03-31: DailyDogo 861 🐶

2024-03-31: DailyDogo 860 🐶

2024-03-29: DailyDogo 859 🐶

2024-03-29: DailyDogo 858 🐶

2024-03-28: DailyDogo 857 🐶

2024-03-26: DailyDogo 856 🐶

2024-03-25: DailyDogo 855 🐶

2024-03-24: DailyDogo 854 🐶

2024-03-23: DailyDogo 853 🐶

2024-03-23: DailyDogo 852 🐶

2024-03-21: DailyDogo 851 🐶

2024-03-21: DailyDogo 850 🐶

2024-03-19: DailyDogo 849 🐶

2024-03-18: DailyDogo 848 🐶

2024-03-17: DailyDogo 847 🐶

2024-03-16: DailyDogo 846 🐶

2024-03-15: DailyDogo 845 🐶

2024-03-13: DailyDogo 844 🐶

2024-03-12: DailyDogo 843 🐶

2024-03-12: DailyDogo 843 🐶

2024-03-10: DailyDogo 842 🐶

2024-03-09: DailyDogo 841 🐶

2024-03-08: DailyDogo 840 🐶

2024-03-07: DailyDogo 839 🐶

2024-03-06: DailyDogo 838 🐶

2024-03-06: DailyDogo 837 🐶

2024-03-02: DailyDogo 836 🐶

2024-03-02: DailyDogo 835 🐶

2024-03-01: Keine Erklärungen. Ein Grund: Mir fehlt zunehmend die eigene Stimme. Und vielleicht zum ersten Mal …

2024-02-29: DailyDogo 834 🐶

2024-02-28: DailyDogo 833 🐶

2024-02-28: DailyDogo 832 🐶

2024-02-26: DailyDogo 831 🐶

2024-02-25: DailyDogo 830 🐶

2024-02-24: DailyDogo 829 🐶

2024-02-24: DailyDogo 828 🐶

2024-02-22: DailyDogo 827 🐶

2024-02-21: DailyDogo 826 🐶

2024-02-20: DailyDogo 825 🐶

2024-02-19: DailyDogo 824 🐶

2024-02-18: DailyDogo 823 🐶

2024-02-17: DailyDogo 822 🐶

2024-02-17: DailyDogo 821 🐶

2024-02-16: DailyDogo 820 🐶

2024-02-15: DailyDogo 819 🐶

2024-02-14: DailyDogo 818 🐶

2024-02-12: DailyDogo 817 🐶

2024-02-12: DailyDogo 816 🐶

2024-02-10: DailyDogo 815 🐶

2024-02-09: DailyDogo 814 🐶

2024-02-08: DailyDogo 813 🐶

2024-02-08: DailyDogo 812 🐶

2024-02-07: DailyDogo 811 🐶

2024-02-05: DailyDogo 810 🐶

2024-02-05: DailyDogo 809 🐶

2024-02-04: DailyDogo 808 🐶

2024-02-02: DailyDogo 807 🐶

2024-02-01: DailyDogo 806 🐶

2024-01-31: DailyDogo 805 🐶

2024-01-30: DailyDogo 804 🐶

2024-01-29: DailyDogo 803 🐶

2024-01-29: DailyDogo 802 🐶

2024-01-27: DailyDogo 801 🐶

2024-01-26: DailyDogo 800 🐶

2024-01-25: DailyDogo 799 🐶

2024-01-25: DailyDogo 798 🐶

2024-01-23: DailyDogo 797 🐶

2024-01-22: DailyDogo 796 🐶

2024-01-22: DailyDogo 795 🐶

2024-01-21: DailyDogo 794 🐶

2024-01-19: DailyDogo 793 🐶

2024-01-18: DailyDogo 792 🐶

2024-01-17: DailyDogo 791 🐶

2024-01-17: DailyDogo 790 🐶

2024-01-16: DailyDogo 789 🐶

2024-01-14: DailyDogo 788 🐶

2024-01-13: DailyDogo 787 🐶

2024-01-11: DailyDogo 786 🐶

2024-01-11: DailyDogo 785 🐶

2024-01-09: DailyDogo 784 🐶

2024-01-08: DailyDogo 783 🐶

2024-01-08: DailyDogo 782 🐶

2024-01-06: DailyDogo 781 🐶

2024-01-05: DailyDogo 780 🐶

2024-01-04: DailyDogo 779 🐶

2024-01-04: This year had so much potential and after two tough years in a row, I was really looking forward to …

2024-01-03: DailyDogo 778 🐶

2024-01-02: DailyDogo 777 🐶

2024-01-01: DailyDogo 776 🐶

2023-12-31: DailyDogo 775 🐶

2023-12-31: DailyDogo 774 🐶

2023-12-29: DailyDogo 773 🐶

2023-12-29: DailyDogo 772 🐶

2023-12-28: It’s maybe a little bit weird to start writing again by pointing to a post by Jakob Greenfeld …

2023-12-27: DailyDogo 771 🐶

2023-12-27: DailyDogo 770 🐶

2023-12-24: DailyDogo 769 🐶

2023-12-23: DailyDogo 768 🐶

2023-12-22: DailyDogo 767 🐶

2023-12-22: DailyDogo 766 🐶

2023-12-21: DailyDogo 765 🐶

2023-12-19: DailyDogo 764 🐶

2023-12-18: DailyDogo 763 🐶

2023-12-17: DailyDogo 762 🐶

2023-12-16: DailyDogo 761 🐶

2023-12-16: DailyDogo 760 🐶

2023-12-14: DailyDogo 759 🐶

2023-12-10: DailyDogo 758 🐶

2023-12-10: DailyDogo 757 🐶

2023-12-08: DailyDogo 756 🐶

2023-12-08: DailyDogo 755 🐶

2023-12-06: DailyDogo 754 🐶

2023-12-06: DailyDogo 753 🐶

2023-12-04: DailyDogo 752 🐶

2023-12-03: DailyDogo 751 🐶

2023-12-02: DailyDogo 750 🐶

2023-12-01: DailyDogo 749 🐶

2023-12-01: Via App Defaults. Here are mine: Mail Client: Mimestream Notes: Obsidian To-Do: OmniFocus Photo …

2023-11-30: DailyDogo 748 🐶

2023-11-29: DailyDogo 747 🐶

2023-11-28: DailyDogo 746 🐶

2023-11-28: An opinion is not an explanation of said opinion. Nor is trying to find an explanation for a thing …

2023-11-27: DailyDogo 745 🐶

2023-11-27: I bought a(n outliner app called) Bike this week and am eager to test it out.

2023-11-27: DailyDogo 744 🐶

2023-11-25: DailyDogo 743 🐶

2023-11-24: DailyDogo 742 🐶

2023-11-22: DailyDogo 741 🐶

2023-11-21: DailyDogo 740 🐶

2023-11-20: DailyDogo 739 🐶

2023-11-19: DailyDogo 738 🐶

2023-11-18: DailyDogo 737 🐶

2023-11-17: DailyDogo 736 🐶

2023-11-16: DailyDogo 735 🐶

2023-11-16: DailyDogo 734 🐶

2023-11-14: DailyDogo 733 🐶

2023-11-13: DailyDogo 732 🐶

2023-11-13: DailyDogo 731 🐶

2023-11-11: Quick little story: I was working on a relatively big task to duplicate a bunch of data in a system …

2023-11-10: DailyDogo 730 🐶

2023-11-10: DailyDogo 729 🐶

2023-11-09: Maddy Myers' “Bye!” at the end of every Triple Click episode is simply the best in the …

2023-11-08: DailyDogo 728 🐶

2023-11-07: DailyDogo 727 🐶

2023-11-07: It makes a lot of sense to commit always to the smallest possible ‘meaningful’ amount of …

2023-11-07: DailyDogo 726 🐶

2023-11-06: (NB: Where I live, weeks start on Mondays.) I’m a big fan of Mondays: It’s a great …

2023-11-05: DailyDogo 725 🐶

2023-11-04: DailyDogo 724 🐶

2023-11-04: DailyDogo 723 🐶

2023-11-02: DailyDogo 722 🐶

2023-11-01: DailyDogo 721 🐶

2023-10-31: DailyDogo 720 🐶

2023-10-31: DailyDogo 719 🐶

2023-10-29: DailyDogo 718 🐶

2023-10-28: DailyDogo 717 🐶

2023-10-27: DailyDogo 716 🐶

2023-10-27: DailyDogo 715 🐶

2023-10-25: DailyDogo 714 🐶

2023-10-24: DailyDogo 713 🐶

2023-10-23: DailyDogo 712 🐶

2023-10-22: DailyDogo 711 🐶

2023-10-21: DailyDogo 710 🐶

2023-10-20: DailyDogo 709 🐶

2023-10-19: DailyDogo 708 🐶

2023-10-18: DailyDogo 707 🐶

2023-10-17: DailyDogo 706 🐶

2023-10-16: DailyDogo 705 🐶

2023-10-16: DailyDogo 704 🐶

2023-10-15: DailyDogo 703 🐶

2023-10-13: DailyDogo 702 🐶

2023-10-12: DailyDogo 701 🐶

2023-10-11: DailyDogo 700 🐶

2023-10-10: DailyDogo 699 🐶

2023-10-09: DailyDogo 698 🐶

2023-10-08: DailyDogo 697 🐶

2023-10-07: DailyDogo 696 🐶

2023-10-06: DailyDogo 695 🐶

2023-10-05: DailyDogo 694 🐶

2023-10-04: DailyDogo 693 🐶

2023-10-03: DailyDogo 692 🐶

2023-10-02: DailyDogo 691 🐶

2023-10-01: DailyDogo 690 🐶

2023-09-30: DailyDogo 689 🐶

2023-09-29: DailyDogo 688 🐶

2023-09-28: DailyDogo 687 🐶

2023-09-28: DailyDogo 686 🐶

2023-09-26: DailyDogo 685 🐶

2023-09-25: DailyDogo 684 🐶

2023-09-24: DailyDogo 683 🐶

2023-09-24: DailyDogo 682 🐶

2023-09-23: DailyDogo 681 🐶

2023-09-22: DailyDogo 680 🐶

2023-09-20: DailyDogo 679 🐶

2023-09-19: DailyDogo 678 🐶

2023-09-18: DailyDogo 677 🐶

2023-09-17: DailyDogo 676 🐶

2023-09-16: DailyDogo 675 🐶

2023-09-15: DailyDogo 674 🐶

2023-09-14: DailyDogo 673 🐶

2023-09-13: DailyDogo 672 🐶

2023-09-12: DailyDogo 671 🐶

2023-09-11: DailyDogo 670 🐶

2023-09-11: You were the chosen one, etc. #enshittification

2023-09-10: With Ivory having timeline sync and it remembering my reading position I’m much more likely to …

2023-09-10: DailyDogo 669 🐶

2023-09-09: DailyDogo 668 🐶

2023-09-08: DailyDogo 667 🐶

2023-09-07: DailyDogo 666 🐶

2023-09-06: DailyDogo 665 🐶

2023-09-06: Maybe Gruber is a good writer. As a foreigner I can’t really judge the quality of his tech …

2023-09-05: DailyDogo 664 🐶

2023-09-04: DailyDogo 663 🐶

2023-09-03: DailyDogo 662 🐶

2023-09-02: DailyDogo 661 🐶

2023-09-01: DailyDogo 660 🐶

2023-08-31: DailyDogo 659 🐶

2023-08-31: DailyDogo 658 🐶

2023-08-29: DailyDogo 657 🐶

2023-08-29: DailyDogo 656 🐶

2023-08-27: DailyDogo 655 🐶

2023-08-27: DailyDogo 654 🐶

2023-08-25: DailyDogo 653 🐶

2023-08-24: DailyDogo 652 🐶

2023-08-24: if we were to make a few @obsidian merch items which combo would you like best? — …

2023-08-23: DailyDogo 651 🐶

2023-08-23: Kaitlin Salzke makes excellent OmniFocus plug-ins. I’ve written before about the “work …

2023-08-22: DailyDogo 650 🐶

2023-08-21: DailyDogo 649 🐶

2023-08-20: DailyDogo 648 🐶

2023-08-19: DailyDogo 647 🐶

2023-08-18: DailyDogo 646 🐶

2023-08-17: DailyDogo 645 🐶

2023-08-16: DailyDogo 644 🐶

2023-08-15: DailyDogo 643 🐶

2023-08-14: DailyDogo 642 🐶

2023-08-13: DailyDogo 641 🐶

2023-08-12: DailyDogo 640 🐶

2023-08-11: DailyDogo 639 🐶

2023-08-10: DailyDogo 638 🐶

2023-08-09: DailyDogo 637 🐶

2023-08-08: DailyDogo 636 🐶

2023-08-07: DailyDogo 635 🐶

2023-08-06: DailyDogo 634 🐶

2023-08-05: DailyDogo 633 🐶

2023-08-05: Environmental software quality TL;DR: In light of the growing importance of digital services, we ought to consider modern software …

2023-08-04: DailyDogo 632 🐶

2023-08-04: Full points! (I wish more projects would have a clearly visible link to an explainer what the thing …

2023-08-03: DailyDogo 631 🐶

2023-08-02: DailyDogo 630 🐶

2023-08-01: DailyDogo 629 🐶

2023-07-31: DailyDogo 628 🐶

2023-07-30: DailyDogo 627 🐶

2023-07-30: DailyDogo 626 🐶

2023-07-29: DailyDogo 625 🐶

2023-07-28: Half-Watching some Baseball and doing some light reflective writing. That’s enough for a …

2023-07-28: Dog and Partner are away until Monday. I’ll have to see if daily dogo happens today or not…

2023-07-28: The combination ChatGPT and Keyboard Maestro is really something.

2023-07-27: DailyDogo 624 🐶

2023-07-27: Who would have thought that I play the role of the code quality lobbyist in my new job?

2023-07-26: DailyDogo 623 🐶

2023-07-26: In other news: I solved my first real hard and urgent ticket at my new job and am proud as f about …

2023-07-26: Car front window got a crack while my partner was calling me to tell me that there was a dangerous …

2023-07-25: DailyDogo 622 🐶

2023-07-24: DailyDogo 621 🐶

2023-07-23: DailyDogo 620 🐶

2023-07-22: DailyDogo 619 🐶

2023-07-21: DailyDogo 618 🐶

2023-07-20: DailyDogo 617 🐶

2023-07-20: Who would have thought that PHP_Codesniffer is actually superior to php-cs-fixer… (Not me. But it …

2023-07-19: DailyDogo 616 🐶

2023-07-18: DailyDogo 615 🐶

2023-07-17: DailyDogo 614 🐶

2023-07-17: You don’t need to be a “test first”/test-driven developer to like tests in your …

2023-07-16: DailyDogo 613 🐶

2023-07-16: There is a great OmniFocus plug-in by Kaitlin Salzke called Work On which apparently is an idea - …

2023-07-15: DailyDogo 612 🐶

2023-07-14: DailyDogo 611 🐶

2023-07-14: I didn’t sleep long. I didn’t sleep deeply or well, really. But man, did I enjoy …

2023-07-13: DailyDogo 610 🐶

2023-07-13: I can’t get this out of my head: mastodon.online/@virtualb… Can’t believe that at …

2023-07-12: DailyDogo 609 🐶

2023-07-12: A little thing I do, when critiquing societal issues: I try to say what I think is wrong - morally …

2023-07-12: A good difference to make when talking about generating code through ChatGPT: It is much more of a …

2023-07-11: DailyDogo 608 🐶

2023-07-10: DailyDogo 607 🐶

2023-07-10: PHPStorm's keybinding system is ridiculous It is no news that I am pretty skeptical that PHPStorm is actually a good IDE. I especially question …

2023-07-09: DailyDogo 606 🐶

2023-07-08: DailyDogo 605 🐶

2023-07-07: If in doubt: Eat more sorbet.

2023-07-07: DailyDogo 604 🐶

2023-07-06: DailyDogo 603 🐶

2023-07-05: DailyDogo 602 🐶

2023-07-04: DailyDogo 601 🐶

2023-07-03: DailyDogo 600 🐶

2023-07-03: First workday at the new company!

2023-07-02: DailyDogo 599 🐶

2023-07-02: DailyDogo 598 🐶

2023-07-02: DailyDogo 597 🐶

2023-06-30: DailyDogo 596 🐶

2023-06-28: DailyDogo 595 🐶

2023-06-27: DailyDogo 594 🐶

2023-06-26: DailyDogo 593 🐶

2023-06-26: DailyDogo 592 🐶

2023-06-24: DailyDogo 591 🐶

2023-06-24: Soooo. Does anybody know any alternatives to Frame Grabber? arthurhammer.de/2023/06/f…

2023-06-24: DailyDogo 590 🐶

2023-06-22: DailyDogo 589 🐶

2023-06-21: DailyDogo 588 🐶

2023-06-20: DailyDogo 587 🐶

2023-06-19: DailyDogo 586 🐶

2023-06-18: DailyDogo 585 🐶

2023-06-18: The (Hu)go template syntax is bad. There is no two ways about it. It’s just bad and often counterintuitive. It’s hard to …

2023-06-17: DailyDogo 584 🐶

2023-06-16: DailyDogo 583 🐶

2023-06-15: DailyDogo 582 🐶

2023-06-14: DailyDogo 581 🐶

2023-06-13: DailyDogo 580 🐶

2023-06-13: It’s really cool that the upstairs neighbor has decided to renovate their apartment without …

2023-06-12: DailyDogo 579 🐶

2023-06-12: Previously (Dead Cells). Previously (Diablo IV - same link as below). Quick update on my Diablo IV …

2023-06-11: DailyDogo 578 🐶

2023-06-11: First impression of Diablo IV. I hate the MMORPG aspects of it. I don’t need to see other …

2023-06-10: DailyDogo 577 🐶

2023-06-10: A little addition to what I said the other day: The “take notes to reach your goals” is …

2023-06-09: DailyDogo 576 🐶

2023-06-08: DailyDogo 575 🐶

2023-06-07: DailyDogo 574 🐶

2023-06-06: DailyDogo 573 🐶

2023-06-06: I wonder if the dystopian looks of AR/VR headsets are really the problem. I can see that they …

2023-06-05: About the Vision Pro: I don’t think I would ever pay that much for a device. Except if I would …

2023-06-05: I do wonder if it’ll matter, that people don’t like how the new Apple Headset looks. …

2023-06-05: DailyDogo 573 🐶

2023-06-04: DailyDogo 572 🐶

2023-06-04: DailyDogo 571 🐶

2023-06-03: God damnit, Karelian pies are so good! 🇫🇮

2023-06-03: Some ways in which notes can help to reach goals: Finding goals and planning them out Tracking …

2023-06-03: Quick note on the terrible, terrible reddit api pricing and how it affects apps like Apollo. …

2023-06-02: DailyDogo 570 🐶

2023-06-02: From the faq page of the mouse config tool “logi options+": Why is it called Logi …

2023-06-02: Quick note about Obsidian’s new icon: For me it’s more of a warning sign than reason to …

2023-06-02: Quick note about the recent discussion about pricing of apps on @atpfm@mastodon.social: I agree with …

2023-06-01: DailyDogo 569 🐶

2023-05-31: DailyDogo 568 🐶

2023-05-30: DailyDogo 567 🐶

2023-05-30: DailyDogo 566 🐶

2023-05-28: DailyDogo 565 🐶

2023-05-27: DailyDogo 564 🐶

2023-05-27: DailyDogo 563 🐶

2023-05-25: DailyDogo 562 🐶

2023-05-24: DailyDogo 561 🐶

2023-05-23: DailyDogo 560 🐶

2023-05-22: DailyDogo 559 🐶

2023-05-21: DailyDogo 558 🐶

2023-05-20: DailyDogo 557 🐶

2023-05-19: DailyDogo 556 🐶

2023-05-18: DailyDogo 555 🐶

2023-05-17: DailyDogo 554 🐶

2023-05-16: DailyDogo 553 🐶

2023-05-15: DailyDogo 552 🐶

2023-05-15: Not gonna lie: The last couple of weeks in my current job have been… trying. Being annoyed always …

2023-05-14: DailyDogo 551 🐶

2023-05-14: DailyDogo 550 🐶

2023-05-13: As exciting as app development for iOS/MacOS sounds (being an indy is actually a dream of mine), the …

2023-05-12: DailyDogo 549 🐶

2023-05-11: DailyDogo 548 🐶

2023-05-10: DailyDogo 547 🐶

2023-05-09: DailyDogo 546 🐶

2023-05-09: Previously. Two more promising apps: I’m a big fan of noise and music apps and podcasts for …

2023-05-08: DailyDogo 545 🐶

2023-05-07: DailyDogo 544 🐶

2023-05-06: DailyDogo 543 🐶

2023-05-05: DailyDogo 542 🐶

2023-05-04: DailyDogo 541 🐶

2023-05-04: Great Episode of @clockwise@relayfm.social. The message of trying to stay even keeled, working for …

2023-05-04: Had the weirdest stress dream last night: I dreamt that I agreed to buy one kind of computer for my …

2023-05-03: DailyDogo 540 🐶

2023-05-02: DailyDogo 539 🐶

2023-05-02: That is… a pretty old MacBook by today’s standards, right? From Apple’s Safari page.

2023-05-01: DailyDogo 538 🐶

2023-04-30: DailyDogo 537 🐶

2023-04-29: DailyDogo 536 🐶

2023-04-28: DailyDogo 535 🐶

2023-04-27: DailyDogo 534 🐶

2023-04-27: It’s always surprising to me, even though it shouldn’t anymore: Pretty thorny coding …

2023-04-26: DailyDogo 533 🐶

2023-04-26: Previously On the one hand I’m baffled that Apple Music doesn’t have a dedicated …

2023-04-26: I am more and more of the opinion that relying on semantic versioning conventions (e.g. using …

2023-04-25: DailyDogo 532 🐶

2023-04-25: Yesterday I tried to write three different blog posts about three different half baked ideas and …

2023-04-24: Alt for today’s DailyDogo (she has been such a good girl, with her mom on a business trip for …

2023-04-24: DailyDogo 531 🐶

2023-04-23: DailyDogo 530 🐶

2023-04-22: DailyDogo 529 🐶

2023-04-22: (I’m also immediately put off by any app/piece of code calling itself “blazing(ly) …

2023-04-22: (So looking forward to Ivory on the Mac.)

2023-04-21: DailyDogo 528 🐶

2023-04-21: One of the best things I’ve done recently in terms of emotional hygiene is giving myself a …

2023-04-21: There must really be some compelling evidence that changing your visual corporate identity is …

2023-04-20: Today especially the afternoon walk with the dog was memorable: We saw Napu’s friend Obi out …

2023-04-20: DailyDogo 527 🐶

2023-04-19: Survived the day pretty well, all things considered. Dentist appointment showed no holes in my …

2023-04-19: DailyDogo 526 🐶

2023-04-18: DailyDogo 525 🐶

2023-04-17: DailyDogo 524 🐶

2023-04-17: We’ll have an exterminator over on Wednesday for a silver fish and paper fish situation in the …

2023-04-16: My Partner is on a business trip in Germany for three weeks. Napu and me are holding the fort at …

2023-04-16: DailyDogo 523 🐶

2023-04-15: DailyDogo 522 🐶

2023-04-14: DailyDogo 521 🐶

2023-04-14: We’re not eating this because it is tasty, we’re eating this because we need space in …

2023-04-13: DailyDogo 520 🐶

2023-04-13: Wow. Hug your dogs. And your (other) loved ones. www.youtube.com/watch

2023-04-12: DailyDogo 519 🐶

2023-04-11: DailyDogo 518 🐶

2023-04-10: DailyDogo 517 🐶

2023-04-10: This year I may skip buying mlb.tv and will only watch the occasional “free game of the …

2023-04-10: Late breakfast today. It’s almost 12.

2023-04-09: DailyDogo 516 🐶

2023-04-08: DailyDogo 515 🐶

2023-04-08: Drinking coffee on the balcony, eating easter sweets sent from Germany by my mom. 😊

2023-04-07: DailyDogo 514 🐶

2023-04-06: DailyDogo 513 🐶

2023-04-05: DailyDogo 512 🐶

2023-04-05: There is no real reason for this, but I feel anxious somehow. Doesn’t happen that often. Thank …

2023-04-04: DailyDogo 511 🐶

2023-04-04: LLMs Usefulness As A Tool Is Not What Makes Them Morally Ambigous What I do get: I get that LLMs are not real AI and fantasizing about LLMs being sentient is foolish. …

2023-04-03: DailyDogo 510 🐶

2023-04-03: The style is different, fewer Vogue cover stories[…] Wow. This is a Finish professor of …

2023-04-03: Uff. Finland just became way more right wing. Sanna Marin was not re-elected. Her social democrats …

2023-04-02: DailyDogo 509 🐶

2023-04-02: Tools Make Knowledge HeyScottyJ - No PKM necessary The concept of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is flawed in that …

2023-04-02: Actually impressed by ChatGPT bot for BuyItForLife. This is a GPT-like(?) bot that has been trained …

2023-04-01: DailyDogo 508 🐶

2023-03-31: PuppyCast 028 🐶🎙 What?! A new puppy cast?! Only to test out the new transcription feature (and plug-in). 😉

2023-03-31: Finished working late today but only because I interrupted working for a bit so that my partner and …

2023-03-31: DailyDogo 507 🐶

2023-03-31: I guess I like programming?!

2023-03-30: DailyDogo 506 🐶

2023-03-29: DailyDogo 505 🐶

2023-03-29: I very innocently tried to diagram my current gtd-like workflow in Mindnode and after a couple of …

2023-03-29: Does anybody know about environmentally conscious work done in the world of “AI”? I feel …

2023-03-28: DailyDogo 506 🐶

2023-03-28: Newsletter writers: Apart from an “unsubscribe” link, please also offer a “change …

2023-03-28: Turning the clocks back has so far destroyed me three mornings in a row.

2023-03-27: DailyDogo 505 🐶

2023-03-26: DailyDogo 504 🐶

2023-03-26: Two unremarkable days this weekend. I enjoyed them very much. Now waiting for the Sauna to heat …

2023-03-25: DailyDogo 503 🐶

2023-03-25: Just finished 911 lonestar season 3. All in all a very good (pretty long!) season. I love the …

2023-03-24: DailyDogo 502 🐶

2023-03-24: I’m unhappy to note that JavaScript tooling has stayed just as opaque as last time I had to …

2023-03-24: Turns out: solving hard problems under time pressure is hard. Who knew! 🤪

2023-03-23: DailyDogo 501 🐶

2023-03-23: I, as a non native writer (and an error prone one in general), so wish mb would sync edits between …

2023-03-23: Good to see that state management in SPAs is still hard since the last time (3,5 years ago) I used …

2023-03-22: DailyDogo 500 🐶

2023-03-21: The long afternoon walk with the dog made me incredibly tired today.

2023-03-21: DailyDogo 499 🐶

2023-03-21: Previously An interesting difference that just occurred to me: Knowledge management and idea …

2023-03-21: Previously Readwise Reader… You were the chosen one! Their feed reader cannot handle daring …

2023-03-20: DailyDogo 498 🐶

2023-03-19: DailyDogo 497 🐶

2023-03-19: As somebody who has taken notes for a long time now, I have gone through iterations of my setup to …

2023-03-19: Playing Stellaris again, which I do every time a new dlc comes out. The newest dlc is a “First …

2023-03-18: DailyDogo 496 🐶

2023-03-18: I was (and am) so enamored with an article I read that my sleep deprived self decided in the morning …

2023-03-17: DailyDogo 495 🐶

2023-03-17: Nothing better than tortilla leftovers for lunch. 😋

2023-03-16: DailyDogo 494 🐶

2023-03-16: Peviously. I don’t know why, but I may have for the first time really understood how …

2023-03-16: Having learned about mastodon’s capabilities of being a ddos tool, I wonder: Are URL previews …

2023-03-16: Knock on wood: Things in the old as well as the new company are solved. The job transition ought to …

2023-03-15: DailyDogo 493 🐶

2023-03-15: My Current Thoughts On Therapy And Mental Health Part of my depression is a degree of apathy; the more I can focus and get excited about something …

2023-03-15: Decided to remove my notes on notes newsletter page from the navigation. I’m not pursuing that …

2023-03-15: Previously. (I’m not using teuxdeux anymore. And after a short liaison with Todoist, I’m …

2023-03-14: DailyDogo 492 🐶

2023-03-14: It’s a blessing in disguise that I do not have a big podcast backlog anymore and so fall back …

2023-03-14: Started to cry out of happiness after receiving a positive message as regards to my new job. The new …

2023-03-14: Sprint review went much better than expected.

2023-03-14: Overslept a little today. But hey:

2023-03-13: Watching 9-1-1 Lonestar, Season 3.

2023-03-13: DailyDogo 491 🐶

2023-03-13: Didn’t want to go out for Napu’s longer walk, but I never ever have regretted going …

2023-03-13: Uff. I’m clearly not made to sustain existential dread. Hopefully things with the new job will …

2023-03-13: Trimmed Napu’s nails just now. Always an intense moment for the both of us. But with lots of …

2023-03-13: Updated my about page and added some info for people unfamiliar with micro.blog. I also added some …

2023-03-13: Don’t want to jinx it but… (famous last words) I’ve had a good start to the work …

2023-03-12: Dinner was a success, albeit too late. Now (or rather 30 min ago) off to sauna. Having a good calm …

2023-03-12: Today’s dinner is going to be a nice mishmash: Potato mousse, creamed spinach, red beed …

2023-03-12: DailyDogo 490 🐶

2023-03-11: DailyDogo 489 🐶

2023-03-10: DailyDogo 488 🐶

2023-03-10: DailyDogo 487 🐶

2023-03-09: When I try to figure how something works in my programming language I often use the service replit. …

2023-03-09: It still is a challenge to find the right words in code reviews, no matter what side I’m on: …

2023-03-08: DailyDogo 486 🐶

2023-03-07: DailyDogo 485 🐶

2023-03-07: DailyDogo 484 🐶

2023-03-04: DailyDogo 483 🐶

2023-03-03: DailyDogo 482 🐶

2023-03-02: DailyDogo 481 🐶

2023-03-01: DailyDogo 480 🐶

2023-02-28: DailyDogo 479 🐶

2023-02-27: DailyDogo 478 🐶

2023-02-27: Rounding up to 300 characters manton.orgRead: www.manton.org Manton Reece …

2023-02-27: Even though I want to use the services that Omg.lol provides, I struggle to do so. I set up a …

2023-02-26: DailyDogo 477 🐶

2023-02-25: DailyDogo 476 🐶

2023-02-25: The weird feeling when you realize that you work quicker in php than in typescript nowadays. Or in …

2023-02-24: DailyDogo 475 🐶

2023-02-23: DailyDogo 474 🐶

2023-02-22: DailyDogo 473 🐶

2023-02-22: Weird question: How do normal people handle giving/donations? How much? For what? Through what …

2023-02-21: DailyDogo 472 🐶

2023-02-20: DailyDogo 471 🐶

2023-02-19: DailyDogo 470 🐶

2023-02-18: DailyDogo 469 🐶

2023-02-17: DailyDogo 468 🐶

2023-02-17: I’m more and more impressed by the offering of radio programs on Apple Music. The most recent …

2023-02-16: DailyDogo 467 🐶

2023-02-15: DailyDogo 466 🐶

2023-02-14: As a big fan of the art of live sports commentary and especially of the US school of the profession: …

2023-02-14: DailyDogo 465 🐶

2023-02-13: DailyDogo 464 🐶

2023-02-12: Having just recently started (at 36) to become interested in the NBA, I immediately got interested …

2023-02-12: DailyDogo 463 🐶

2023-02-11: (God damn Ivory is so nice to use. And I don’t even have cause to post a lot of stuff at the …

2023-02-11: DailyDogo 462 🐶

2023-02-10: DailyDogo 461 🐶

2023-02-09: DailyDogo 460 🐶

2023-02-08: DailyDogo 459 🐶

2023-02-07: DailyDogo 458 🐶

2023-02-06: DailyDogo 457 🐶

2023-02-06: Boosts on mastodon are great for discovering new accounts you might like to follow and terrible …

2023-02-05: DailyDogo 456 🐶

2023-02-04: DailyDogo 455 🐶

2023-02-03: DailyDogo 454 🐶

2023-02-02: DailyDogo 453 🐶

2023-02-01: DailyDogo 452 🐶

2023-02-01: Mental rated nutty & mild

2023-02-01: As somebody who frequently edits older posts to maybe add links and/or fix typos, etc., I just have …

2023-01-31: DailyDogo 451 🐶

2023-01-30: DailyDogo 450 🐶

2023-01-29: DailyDogo 449 🐶

2023-01-28: DailyDogo 448 🐶

2023-01-28: Previously. Short follow-up: Sometime has not worked out for me. I never got the hang of it. I …

2023-01-28: Jeez. Moderat FM on Apple Music is GREAT. Super atmospheric! Great electronic music! Highly …

2023-01-27: DailyDogo 447 🐶

2023-01-27: It is a pity that there is no dog park for small dogs in Kuusamo. Poor Napu. 🐶

2023-01-27: I now have a Mastodon account at @matti@social.lol. I probably will end up mostly crossposting …

2023-01-26: DailyDogo 446 🐶

2023-01-25: DailyDogo 445 🐶

2023-01-25: Hm. Is duckduckgo down? It seems like it… but I can’t find its status page. EDIT: It seems ddg …

2023-01-24: DailyDogo 444 🐶

2023-01-23: DailyDogo 443 🐶

2023-01-22: DailyDogo 442 🐶

2023-01-21: DailyDogo 441 🐶

2023-01-21: The way I journal - Part 1: Overview My journal is in some ways similar to what ratfactor has described, only its not a hybrid …

2023-01-20: DailyDogo 440 🐶

2023-01-19: DailyDogo 439 🐶

2023-01-19: Everything whole is just temporarily unbroken, I guess. My job situation will very likely change …

2023-01-18: DailyDogo 438 🐶

2023-01-17: DailyDogo 437 🐶

2023-01-16: DailyDogo 436 🐶

2023-01-15: DailyDogo 436 🐶

2023-01-14: Another dog pic streak repair later. I guess I need that reminder in Due. ;)

2023-01-14: DailyDogo 435 🐶

2023-01-14: DailyDogo 434 🐶

2023-01-14: DailyDogo 433 🐶

2023-01-14: DailyDogo 432 🐶

2023-01-14: DailyDogo 431 🐶

2023-01-14: DailyDogo 430 🐶

2023-01-14: DailyDogo 429 🐶

2023-01-08: DailyDogo 428 🐶

2023-01-08: I finally deactivated my twitter account. Hadn’t really used it in a long while, won’t …

2023-01-06: This last year was not a great year. I wouldn’t say it was as bad as 2021. But it was a …

2023-01-06: Daily Dogo Streak repaired! It took me about an hour to select pics, update my apple shortcut …

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 427 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 426 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 425 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 424 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 423 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 422 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 421 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 420 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 419 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 418 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 417 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 416 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 415 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 414 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 413 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 412 🐶

2023-01-06: DailyDogo 411 🐶

2022-12-20: DailyDogo 410 🐶

2022-12-20: DailyDogo 409 🐶

2022-12-20: DailyDogo 408 🐶

2022-12-19: Seeing people struggle with Hugo makes me think that it would maybe be nice to have options for the …

2022-12-18: Previously I don’t want to jinx it, but I kinda automatically open readwise reader instead of …

2022-12-18: Christmas is a catastrophe but this one is ours.

2022-12-17: DailyDogo 407 🐶

2022-12-17: DailyDogo 406 🐶

2022-12-15: You may think that actually physically dying from mere stress is impossible, but I might prove …

2022-12-15: DailyDogo 405 🐶

2022-12-13: DailyDogo 404 🐶

2022-12-12: DailyDogo 403 🐶

2022-12-12: Choose Boring Technology by Dan McKinley is a great example of a kind of thought I enjoy. Boredom …

2022-12-12: Previously. Got an unexpected Mail from TeuxDeux with a special offer. Very tempting to get TeuxDeux …

2022-12-12: This week’s MicroMonday goes to @val, who happens to live in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. She’s …

2022-12-11: DailyDogo 402 🐶

2022-12-11: Two promising new apps: Sometime is an app for recurring tasks and reminders that seems to be what I …

2022-12-10: I wonder if there are people who feel excluded, because my no-frills daily dog pics do not include …

2022-12-10: DailyDogo 401 🐶

2022-12-10: Christmas is just hard on me. Every year I feel I have to steel myself, get ready for battle. I am …

2022-12-09: DailyDogo 400 🐶

2022-12-09: I wonder if Albums will ever come out with its desktop version. Would be an instabuy for me.

2022-12-09: It’s just the best feeling strolling to our small city’s center, the dog is in a good …

2022-12-09: Good that my side project is done in typescript. Since learning and using PHP everyday for my …

2022-12-09: Walked with the dog 2km on a winter trail half an hour from home. Started around 15:30, it was …

2022-12-08: DailyDogo 399 🐶

2022-12-07: I’m coming to you live from MarsEdit 5! 🤩

2022-12-07: DailyDogo 398 🐶

2022-12-07: I don’t know why, but there is just something so comforting listening to …

2022-12-06: DailyDogo 397 🐶

2022-12-05: DailyDogo 396 🐶

2022-12-05: For this week’s MicroMonday, I recommend that you follow writer and Buddhist @patrickrhone. I …

2022-12-04: DailyDogo 395 🐶

2022-12-04: DailyDogo 394 🐶

2022-12-03: Does anybody have tips for good flannel shirts? I love the monochrome ones from Patagonia (this year …

2022-12-03: I graduated to the next bigger shirt size. Which also means that I need to invest in my wardrobe. …

2022-12-02: DailyDogo 393 🐶

2022-12-02: DailyDogo 392 🐶

2022-12-01: Hm. The last @atpfm@mastodon.social makes me think that having a dedicated mastodon account so I …

2022-11-30: DailyDogo 391 🐶

2022-11-29: DailyDogo 390 🐶

2022-11-29: It was naive to think that the economic situation would not make a meaningful difference. I am …

2022-11-28: DailyDogo 389 🐶

2022-11-28: My MicroMonday recommendation this week goes to @annahavron: A thoughtful productivity geek, that …

2022-11-28: twitterisgoinggreat.com finally took over the autocomplete spot of twitter itself. I’m not sad …

2022-11-28: DailyDogo 388 🐶

2022-11-27: Previously. (Media Tracking) If there would be a bookshelves feature for games then the …

2022-11-26: DailyDogo 387 🐶

2022-11-25: DailyDogo 386 🐶

2022-11-24: DailyDogo 385 🐶

2022-11-23: DailyDogo 384 🐶

2022-11-23: Maybe it’s because I post more, maybe because I have followed more people recently, maybe …

2022-11-23: I can’t recommend @maggie@indieweb.social’s website enough. If you’re into the …

2022-11-22: DailyDogo 383 🐶

2022-11-21: DailyDogo 382 🐶

2022-11-21: My MicroMonday this week goes to @Miraz who lives in New Zealand. I love the little slices of life …

2022-11-21: At least I’m not going to sweat anytime soon.

2022-11-20: DailyDogo 381 🐶

2022-11-20: Two hours of mindful chores while listening to podcasts. Almost enjoyable. A point to think about, …

2022-11-19: DailyDogo 380 🐶

2022-11-19: The more I read about how mastodon works, the happier I am that I ended up being so curious about …

2022-11-18: DailyDogo 379 🐶

2022-11-17: Working on my side project, watching other people play video games on my second display (youtube). …

2022-11-17: DailyDogo 378 🐶

2022-11-16: DailyDogo 377 🐶

2022-11-15: DailyDogo 376 🐶

2022-11-15: Very hazy day for me. Not a lot of momentum. I’m not doing nothing, but I surely am less …

2022-11-14: DailyDogo 375 🐶

2022-11-14: It’s new project time over here. The new project is going to be Scrum instead of Kanban. …

2022-11-14: My MicroMonday rec for this week is @sod. As far as I can tell his favorite hobbies include: Helping …

2022-11-13: DailyDogo 374 🐶

2022-11-13: Jeez, I have not had so much fun tinkering with a side project, ever, I think. Slowly but surely …

2022-11-12: DailyDogo 373 🐶

2022-11-11: DailyDogo 372 🐶

2022-11-11: Amazingly bad weather today. Snow is melting. It rains and it’s dark already(it’s only 5 …

2022-11-10: DailyDogo 371 🐶

2022-11-09: DailyDogo 370 🐶

2022-11-08: DailyDogo 369 🐶

2022-11-08: DailyDogo 368 🐶

2022-11-07: My MicroMonday rec goes to @baldur for his different viewpoint on the web dev world. Come for the …

2022-11-06: DailyDogo 367 🐶

2022-11-05: DailyDogo 366 🐶

2022-11-04: DailyDogo 365 🐶

2022-11-03: DailyDogo 364 🐶

2022-11-02: I just pledged 210$ for a cooperative board game that I might never play: It’s the board game …

2022-11-02: DailyDogo 363 🐶

2022-11-02: Fantastic episode of Upgrade this week. @jsnell said out loud in a clear way, what I have been only …

2022-11-01: DailyDogo 362 🐶

2022-10-31: DailyDogo 361 🐶

2022-10-30: DailyDogo 360 🐶

2022-10-29: DailyDogo 359 🐶

2022-10-29: I was just out with the dog 🐶 in the dark, grayish, cold and freezing-melting-freezing weather we …

2022-10-28: DailyDogo 358 🐶

2022-10-27: DailyDogo 357 🐶

2022-10-27: Looking at math proofs for the first time in a very long time. I wish that math would have not been …

2022-10-26: DailyDogo 356 🐶

2022-10-26: Lots of walking with the dog 🐶 in the morning today. Therefore not a lot of “sitting on the …

2022-10-25: DailyDogo 355 🐶

2022-10-24: DailyDogo 354 🐶

2022-10-24: Previously After using my new M1 Mac Book Air and my new 11" iPad Pro for some months now, I'm able …

2022-10-23: DailyDogo 353 🐶

2022-10-23: DailyDogo 352 🐶

2022-10-21: DailyDogo 351 🐶

2022-10-20: DailyDogo 350 🐶

2022-10-19: DailyDogo 349 🐶

2022-10-19: DailyDogo 348 🐶

2022-10-17: DailyDogo 347 🐶

2022-10-17: I had a fantastic day at work today. I guess I love programming? Found a way better solution to a …

2022-10-16: DailyDogo 346 🐶

2022-10-15: DailyDogo 345 🐶

2022-10-14: DailyDogo 344 🐶

2022-10-14: A good indicator of expertise (in my case) seems to be if and what I’m willing to promise to …

2022-10-13: DailyDogo 343 🐶

2022-10-12: DailyDogo 342 🐶

2022-10-11: DailyDogo 341 🐶

2022-10-11: DailyDogo 340 🐶

2022-10-09: DailyDogo 339 🐶

2022-10-08: Are there any non-clickbait-y games news sites?

2022-10-08: DailyDogo 338 🐶

2022-10-07: DailyDogo 337 🐶

2022-10-07: I think this is an incredibly well done piece of product communication. When I’m a grown up, I …

2022-10-06: DailyDogo 336 🐶

2022-10-05: DailyDogo 335 🐶

2022-10-04: DailyDogo 334 🐶

2022-10-03: DailyDogo 333 🐶

2022-10-02: DailyDogo 332 🐶

2022-10-01: DailyDogo 331 🐶

2022-09-30: DailyDogo 330 🐶

2022-09-28: DailyDogo 329 🐶

2022-09-28: The dog has kept me pretty active the last few days… 🐶😅

2022-09-27: DailyDogo 328 🐶

2022-09-26: DailyDogo 327 🐶

2022-09-25: DailyDogo 326 🐶

2022-09-24: DailyDogo 325 🐶

2022-09-23: DailyDogo 324 🐶

2022-09-22: DailyDogo 323 🐶

2022-09-22: After three months with Agenda, which is still a very good app, I’m back with Obsidian for all the …

2022-09-21: DailyDogo 322 🐶

2022-09-20: DailyDogo 321 🐶

2022-09-19: DailyDogo 320 🐶

2022-09-19: Dreaming of the day when we can just download our whole microblog (posts, designs, etc.) so we can …

2022-09-19: (I didn’t post DailyDogo pics the last two days, for some reason. Streak fixed!)

2022-09-19: DailyDogo 319 🐶

2022-09-19: DailyDogo 318 🐶

2022-09-16: DailyDogo 317 🐶

2022-09-15: DailyDogo 316 🐶

2022-09-15: I recently tried Sorted, a "hyper-scheduler", which is just a fancy task manager that will …

2022-09-14: DailyDogo 315 🐶

2022-09-13: DailyDogo 314 🐶

2022-09-12: DailyDogo 313 🐶

2022-09-12: In an effort to make my blog perform better - lots of images means slow load times - I have updated …

2022-09-11: DailyDogo 312 🐶

2022-09-10: DailyDogo 311 🐶

2022-09-10: Nicht jedes Scheitern ist tatsächliches Scheitern Wichtiges Konzept: Zu unterscheiden, ob das Ausbleiben einer Handlung, die man sich vorgenommen …

2022-09-09: DailyDogo 310 🐶

2022-09-08: DailyDogo 309 🐶

2022-09-07: DailyDogo 308 🐶

2022-09-06: DailyDogo 307 🐶

2022-09-05: DailyDogo 306 🐶

2022-09-04: Anybody here with experience using the stoic. app for guided journaling? I’ve used it for four days …

2022-09-04: DailyDogo 305 🐶

2022-09-03: DailyDogo 304 🐶

2022-09-02: DailyDogo 303 🐶

2022-09-01: DailyDogo 302 🐶

2022-08-31: DailyDogo 301 🐶

2022-08-30: DailyDogo 300 🐶

2022-08-29: DailyDogo 299 🐶

2022-08-29: Not a lot of sleep tonight, because the dogo needed to go out at 6 (I was in bed around 1, which is …

2022-08-28: (I’ll try to post a little more this week to see if I like it) Difficult to get myself going this …

2022-08-28: DailyDogo 298 🐶

2022-08-27: DailyDogo 297 🐶

2022-08-26: DailyDogo 296 🐶

2022-08-25: DailyDogo 295 🐶

2022-08-24: DailyDogo 294 🐶

2022-08-23: DailyDogo 293 🐶

2022-08-22: Good Apps - Agenda For a while I used Obsidian to contain all kinds of notes I take: timeless notes, project notes and …

2022-08-22: Stock Is Better The best feature is one that is provided and maintained by the platform. A feature that can be built …

2022-08-22: DailyDogo 292 🐶

2022-08-21: DailyDogo 291 🐶

2022-08-20: DailyDogo 290 🐶

2022-08-19: DailyDogo 289 🐶

2022-08-19: DailyDogo 288 🐶

2022-08-17: DailyDogo 287 🐶

2022-08-16: DailyDogo 286 🐶

2022-08-15: DailyDogo 285 🐶

2022-08-14: DailyDogo 284 🐶

2022-08-13: DailyDogo 283 🐶

2022-08-12: DailyDogo 282 🐶

2022-08-11: DailyDogo 281 🐶

2022-08-10: DailyDogo 280 🐶

2022-08-09: DailyDogo 279 🐶

2022-08-08: DailyDogo 278 🐶

2022-08-07: DailyDogo 277 🐶

2022-08-06: DailyDogo 276 🐶

2022-08-05: DailyDogo 275 🐶

2022-08-04: DailyDogo 274 🐶

2022-08-03: DailyDogo 273 🐶

2022-08-02: DailyDogo 272 🐶

2022-08-01: DailyDogo 271 🐶

2022-07-31: DailyDogo 270 🐶

2022-07-30: DailyDogo 269 🐶

2022-07-30: DailyDogo 268 🐶

2022-07-28: DailyDogo 267 🐶

2022-07-28: DailyDogo 266 🐶

2022-07-26: DailyDogo 265 🐶

2022-07-25: DailyDogo 264 🐶

2022-07-24: DailyDogo 263 🐶

2022-07-23: DailyDogo 262 🐶

2022-07-22: DailyDogo 261 🐶

2022-07-21: DailyDogo 260 🐶

2022-07-20: DailyDogo 259 🐶

2022-07-19: DailyDogo 258 🐶

2022-07-18: DailyDogo 257 🐶

2022-07-18: The three types of notes I take My note taking system consists of three different pieces: Timeless notes: Ideas, thoughts, etc. …

2022-07-17: DailyDogo 256 🐶

2022-07-16: DailyDogo 255 🐶

2022-07-16: DailyDogo 254 🐶

2022-07-14: DailyDogo 253 🐶

2022-07-13: DailyDogo 252 🐶

2022-07-12: DailyDogo 251 🐶

2022-07-11: DailyDogo 250 🐶

2022-07-10: DailyDogo 249 🐶

2022-07-09: DailyDogo 248 🐶

2022-07-08: DailyDogo 247 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 246 🐶

2022-07-07: Phew! And with that the DailyDogo streak is repaired and more regularly scheduled posting will …

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 245 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 244 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 243 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 242 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 241 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 240 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 239 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 238 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 237 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 236 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 235 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 234 🐶

2022-07-07: DailyDogo 233 🐶

2022-06-28: (It feels very weird to not post DailyDogo pics this week.)

2022-06-24: (Since I’m traveling and Napu is not with me there may not be any DailyDogo pics for a week…)

2022-06-23: DailyDogo 232 🐶

2022-06-22: DailyDogo 231 🐶

2022-06-21: DailyDogo 230 🐶

2022-06-20: DailyDogo 229 🐶

2022-06-19: DailyDogo 228 🐶

2022-06-18: DailyDogo 227 🐶

2022-06-17: DailyDogo 226 🐶

2022-06-16: DailyDogo 225 🐶

2022-06-16: IDE Troubles: PHPStorm and VS Code I work as a programmer for my day job. Right now I am working on two php projects. Coming from …

2022-06-15: DailyDogo 224 🐶

2022-06-14: DailyDogo 223 🐶

2022-06-13: DailyDogo 222 🐶

2022-06-12: DailyDogo 221 🐶

2022-06-12: Fascinating: This website shows the most recently bought books on book depository - an online book …

2022-06-11: DailyDogo 220 🐶

2022-06-10: DailyDogo 219 🐶

2022-06-09: DailyDogo 218 🐶

2022-06-08: DailyDogo 217 🐶

2022-06-07: DailyDogo 216 🐶

2022-06-07: Thoughts on the WWDC Keynote in Light of My Recently Bought iPad Pro and M1 MacBook Air I recently bought new hardware for my personal use: An M1 MacBook Air and an 11” iPad Pro. My …

2022-06-06: DailyDogo 215 🐶

2022-06-05: DailyDogo 214 🐶

2022-06-04: DailyDogo 213 🐶

2022-06-04: Setting up code-server again, because the iPad pro is my main personal machine. Last time it took me …

2022-06-03: DailyDogo 212 🐶

2022-06-03: How I deal with notifications I think notifications are a rich vein for thinking about my setup, because it requires me to be …

2022-06-02: DailyDogo 211 🐶

2022-06-01: DailyDogo 210 🐶

2022-05-31: DailyDogo 209 🐶

2022-05-30: DailyDogo 208 🐶

2022-05-29: DailyDogo 207 🐶

2022-05-29: Taking a break from microcasting I recently published a post about my microcasts and I‘m now writing this to tell you I’m going to …

2022-05-28: DailyDogo 206 🐶

2022-05-28: The Early Riser 139 🌅🎙 Going too late to sleep in absolute time.

2022-05-27: DailyDogo 205 🐶

2022-05-27: The Early Riser 138 🌅🎙 Rhythms and exceptions.

2022-05-26: DailyDogo 204 🐶

2022-05-26: The Early Riser 137 🌅🎙 Late to bed, but an exciting thing waiting for me on my free day means: Less sleep, because I can’t …

2022-05-25: DailyDogo 203 🐶

2022-05-25: The Early Riser 136 🌅🎙 About being mindful and not doing meditation.

2022-05-24: DailyDogo 202 🐶

2022-05-24: The Early Riser 135 🌅🎙 Waking up by alarm clock.

2022-05-23: DailyDogo 201 🐶

2022-05-23: LeadDev 003 👨‍💻🎙 Managing distractions. Solving your own problems.

2022-05-23: The Early Riser 134 🌅🎙 Trying out my new shortcuts based posting workflow, while the dog flips out.

2022-05-22: Good Apps - Paletro My current editor for coding is VS Code. Before that it was Sublime Text. Both of them have a lovely …

2022-05-22: DailyDogo 200 🐶

2022-05-22: PuppyCast 027 🐶🎙 Not a lot of training this week. Continuing to watch Zac George videos. Training is not a linear …

2022-05-22: The Early Riser Day 133 🌅🎙 We survived the sleep deprivation and went earlier to bed to make up for it.

2022-05-21: DailyDogo 199 🐶

2022-05-21: The Early Riser Day 132 🌅🎙 I watched way too long TV last night. Uff.

2022-05-20: DailyDogo 198 🐶

2022-05-20: The Early Riser Day 131 🌅🎙 A nice side effect of this experiment: Having a pretty solid evening routine.

2022-05-19: DailyDogo 197 🐶

2022-05-19: The Early Riser Day 130 🌅🎙 Looking back, appreciating how my ideas around waking up early have changed throughout the …

2022-05-18: DailyDogo 196 🐶

2022-05-18: The Early Riser Day 129 🌅🎙 Down with the rain pipes!

2022-05-17: DailyDogo 195 🐶

2022-05-17: The Early Riser Day 128 🌅🎙 I got my wish: no pees inside. Now I’m slightly sleep deprived.

2022-05-16: DailyDogo 194 🐶

2022-05-16: PuppyCast 026 🐶🎙 Meeting badly handled dogs. Reactivity in dogs including our own. Nosework. Impulse training.

2022-05-16: I believe I spotted another welsh corgi cardigan on mb: @hollie

2022-05-16: The Early Riser Day 127 🌅🎙 Sleeping through the night is great, however I‘d rather wake up in the middle of the night and take …

2022-05-15: DailyDogo 193 🐶

2022-05-15: The Early Riser Day 126 🌅🎙 What is it about the weekend that makes me feel more rested?

2022-05-15: My Microcasts At the moment I publish three different microcasts (short, no-frills, solo podcasts): The Early …

2022-05-14: DailyDogo 192 🐶

2022-05-14: LeadDev 002 👨‍💻🎙 Framing. Experience, Expertise and Perception of Others. Thinking out loud.

2022-05-14: The Early Riser Day 125 🌅🎙 Looking forward to a long Saturday.

2022-05-13: DailyDogo 191 🐶

2022-05-13: What wouldn’t I give for a wavelength upload shortcut to automate my microcasting… 🙏 @manton

2022-05-13: The Early Riser Day 124 🌅🎙 Not happy with my mornings.

2022-05-12: DailyDogo 190 🐶

2022-05-12: The Early Riser Day 123 🌅🎙 Meditation is on hiatus.

2022-05-11: DailyDogo 189 🐶

2022-05-11: The Early Riser Day 122 🌅🎙 LeadDev 002 👨‍💻🎙 The mash up episode pf the year. Trying to sleep and not being able to. I didn’t press a button. …

2022-05-10: DailyDogo 188 🐶

2022-05-10: The Early Riser Day 121 🌅🎙 The decision problem: Should I stay awake or not? Meditation. How the dog’s changed rhythm changed …

2022-05-09: LeadDev 001 👨‍💻🎙 Notifications 1

2022-05-09: DailyDogo 187 🐶

2022-05-09: Have not meditated today so far as I discussed in the early riser. Having one less thing „to do“ has …

2022-05-09: The Early Riser Day 120 🌅🎙 About my (ending?) meditation practice.

2022-05-08: Project Lead Developer 000 Just about the name, format and general direction.

2022-05-08: DailyDogo 186 🐶

2022-05-08: Finished the focus challenge. When I switched focus mode off in gluon, I realized how much I would …

2022-05-08: The Early Riser Day 119 🌅🎙 It’s sunny here. For some reason the dog peed inside the last two nights. Having a long day ahead, …

2022-05-07: PuppyCast 025 🐶🎙 Nosework Pottytraining Watching Dog Training Youtube Videos (Zac George) My Partner is back in town …

2022-05-07: DailyDogo 185 🐶

2022-05-07: The Early Riser Day 118 🌅🎙 Back to normal. But with a different perspective (maybe).

2022-05-06: DailyDogo 184 🐶

2022-05-06: The Early Riser Day 117 🌅🎙 Last day before my partner is back. Ego depletion over longer periods of time.

2022-05-05: DailyDogo 184 🐶

2022-05-05: The Early Riser Day 116 🌅🎙 Woke up refreshed. Still feeling headache-y.

2022-05-04: DailyDogo 183 🐶

2022-05-04: The Early Riser Day 115 🌅🎙 Headache since yesterday evening. And lots of interruptions.

2022-05-03: DailyDogo 183 🐶

2022-05-03: The Early Riser Day 114 🌅🎙 Night 2 of being home alone. A changed environment means more willpower is needed to keep healthy …

2022-05-02: PuppyCast 024 🐶🎙 Super late edition. Napu still has inflamed eyes. Napu and me are home alone until Friday. Nosework.

2022-05-02: DailyDogo 182 🐶

2022-05-02: The Early Riser Day 113 🌅🎙 Partner is on a business trip. I stayed up too long. Podcast continues for now.

2022-05-01: The Early Riser Day 112 🌅🎙 An instant gratification problem.

2022-04-30: DailyDogo 181 🐶

2022-04-30: The Early Riser Day 111 🌅🎙 I shouldn’t be this awake. But somehow I am.

2022-04-29: DailyDogo 180 🐶

2022-04-29: The Early Riser Day 110 🌅🎙 Trying a hard „getting up at the latest then“ limit: 7:30 am.

2022-04-28: DailyDogo 179 🐶

2022-04-28: The Early Riser Day 109 🌅🎙 Had to get up too often and didn’t find sleep immediately.

2022-04-27: DailyDogo 178 🐶

2022-04-27: The Early Riser Day 108 🌅🎙 Solo nights and exhausting days.

2022-04-26: DailyDogo 177 🐶

2022-04-26: The Early Riser Day 107 🌅🎙 The paradox.

2022-04-25: The Early Riser Day 106 🌅🎙 Maybe I should be ending the experiment?

2022-04-24: DailyDogo 176 🐶

2022-04-24: The Early Riser Day 105 🌅🎙 Being more at ease with transitioning to prioritizing amount of sleep over waking up time, because …

2022-04-23: DailyDogo 175 🐶

2022-04-23: PuppyCast 023 🐶🎙 Short and sweet.

2022-04-23: The Early Riser Day 104 🌅🎙 Prioritizing sleep amount over fixed wake up time.

2022-04-22: DailyDogo 174 🐶

2022-04-22: The Early Riser Day 103 🌅🎙 4.5 hours of sleep. And we are in Oulu.

2022-04-21: DailyDogo 173 🐶

2022-04-21: The Early Riser Day 102 🌅🎙 I might have not been up at 6:30 but I hit my sleep goal.

2022-04-20: DailyDogo 172 🐶

2022-04-20: The Early Riser Day 101 🌅🎙 PuppyCast invasion. The dog has an eye infection.

2022-04-19: DailyDogo 171 🐶

2022-04-19: The Early Riser Day 100(!) 🌅🎙 First day back on the horse.

2022-04-18: DailyDogo 170 🐶

2022-04-18: PuppyCast 022 🐶🎙 The dogpark, first Nosework class, potty training and training recall.

2022-04-18: The Early Riser Day 99 🌅🎙 Thoughts about the experiment within the experiment of waking up after I have slept the full 7,5 …

2022-04-17: DailyDogo 169 🐶

2022-04-17: The Early Riser Day 98 🌅🎙 I woke up very late today. Not trying to feel bad about it. And I guess I haven’t yet made it to 100 …

2022-04-16: DailyDogo 168 🐶

2022-04-16: The Early Riser Day 97 🌅🎙 Another longer episode. Taking it easy this easter weekend. Trying to get enough time in bed.

2022-04-15: DailyDogo 167 🐶

2022-04-15: The Early Riser Day 96 🌅🎙 Rebalancing my efforts because of sleep deprivation. A longer reflective episode.

2022-04-14: DailyDogo 166 🐶

2022-04-14: The Early Riser Day 95 🌅🎙 Fragmented sleep.

2022-04-13: DailyDogo 165 🐶

2022-04-13: The Early Riser Day 94 🌅🎙 Plus three degrees. The snow thawed yesterday and the resulting slush froze overnight. Difficult …

2022-04-12: DailyDogo 164 🐶

2022-04-12: The Early Riser Day 93 🌅🎙 A very fragmented and short night.

2022-04-11: DailyDogo 163 🐶

2022-04-11: The Early Riser Day 92 🌅🎙 6:45 of sleep (not time in bed) seems to be the magic duration, when looking at old sleep tracking …

2022-04-10: DailyDogo 162 🐶

2022-04-10: PuppyCast 021 🐶🎙 Special, extra unprepared edition! We finished up puppy school this week. Little progress on the …

2022-04-10: The Early Riser Day 91 🌅🎙 That half hour makes a difference. Didn’t need to get up in the night because of the dog.

2022-04-09: DailyDogo 161 🐶

2022-04-09: The Early Riser Day 90 🌅🎙 Feeling good thanks to more sleep. It’s foggy here.

2022-04-08: DailyDogo 160 🐶

2022-04-08: The Early Riser Day 89 🌅🎙 The first sleep cycle data is in. I slept about six and a quarter hours.

2022-04-07: DailyDogo 159 🐶

2022-04-07: The Early Riser Day 88 🌅🎙 Trying sleep tracking to figure out if I get enough sleep.

2022-04-06: DailyDogo 158 🐶

2022-04-06: The Early Riser Day 87 🌅🎙 Waking up on hard mode.

2022-04-05: DailyDogo 157 🐶

2022-04-05: The Early Riser Day 86 🌅🎙 Indeed: Slight changes in the environment makes habits harder to perform. But I did it. Also: Lots …

2022-04-04: DailyDogo 156 🐶

2022-04-04: The Early Riser Day 85 🌅🎙 Even slight changes are disruptive. My Partner leaves town for a night. Wondering how tomorrow …

2022-04-03: DailyDogo 155 🐶

2022-04-03: PuppyCast 020 🐶🎙 Napu‘s potty training is going well. Carpet shewing. Realities of being a dog owner. Not enough time …

2022-04-03: The Early Riser Day 84 🌅🎙 Being an early riser is an introvert‘s game.

2022-04-02: DailyDogo 154 🐶

2022-04-02: The Early Riser Day 83 🌅🎙 The siren song of talking to yourself and not getting up immediately almost got me today.

2022-04-01: DailyDogo 153 🐶

2022-04-01: The Early Riser Day 82 🌅🎙 It’s really cold. But hey, there are geese honking.

2022-03-31: DailyDogo 152 🐶

2022-03-31: The Early Riser Day 81 🌅🎙 Going to bed earlier works. It’s the end of end of March and they are driving snow out of the town.

2022-03-30: DailyDogo 151 🐶

2022-03-30: The Early Riser Day 80 🌅🎙 Super sized early riser today. I’m struggling to go to bed in such a way that I get enough sleep. I …

2022-03-29: DailyDogo 150 🐶

2022-03-29: The Early Riser Day 79 🌅🎙 If you wake up earlier, mornings are darker again.

2022-03-28: DailyDogo 149 🐶

2022-03-28: DailyDogo 148 🐶

2022-03-28: The Early Riser Day 78 🌅🎙 Starting to wake up half an hour earlier on the day the clocks get adjusted for summer time was …

2022-03-27: PuppyCast 019 🐶🎙 Puppy school continues to be great. If at first you don’t succeed use bigger treats. 30 Day Perfect …

2022-03-27: The Early Riser Day 77 🌅🎙 Trying to wake up half an hour earlier.

2022-03-26: PuppyCast has been postponed until tomorrow.

2022-03-26: DailyDogo 147 🐶

2022-03-26: My New Thing Is A Newsletter: Notes On Notes I had toyed with the idea for a while now: I have joined the ranks of the people who have their own …

2022-03-26: The Early Riser Day 76 🎙🌅 The snow is back. And it’s windy!

2022-03-25: DailyDogo 146 🐶

2022-03-25: The Early Riser Day 75 🎙🌅 Looking forward to the weekend for different reasons. The current freeze-thaw cycle.

2022-03-24: DailyDogo 145 🐶

2022-03-24: The Early Riser Day 74 🎙🌅 Being conditioned to jump out of bed in the night as soon as the dog makes any noise.

2022-03-23: DailyDogo 144 🐶

2022-03-23: The Early Riser Day 73 🎙🌅 Update on the puking puppy situation (spoiler alert: she is fine). Thanks for all the sweet …

2022-03-22: DailyDogo 143 🐶

2022-03-22: 100 Days Of Meditation Not my longest meditation streak (I did 365 days in 2017), but nonetheless I’m very happy with …

2022-03-22: No early riser today because the dog puked in the morning and we are going to the vet just to be …

2022-03-21: DailyDogo 142 🐶

2022-03-21: The Early Riser Day 71 🎙🌅 The dog has a little wound.

2022-03-20: DailyDogo 141 🐶

2022-03-20: The Early Riser Day 70 🎙🌅 The snow is melting.

2022-03-19: DailyDogo 140 🐶

2022-03-19: PuppyCast 018 🐶🎙 Puppy school Kuusamo, potty training, atomic habits, growing as a person in relationship to your …

2022-03-19: DailyDogo 139 🐶

2022-03-19: The Early Riser Day 69 🎙🌅 Amazing how easy it is to wake up if there is something that you really want to do. Like me, wanting …

2022-03-18: The Early Riser Day 68 🎙🌅 The snow starts to melt. And the dog is experiencing this for the first time.

2022-03-17: DailyDogo 138 🐶

2022-03-17: The Early Riser Day 67 🎙🌅 Every day it feels more like spring.

2022-03-16: DailyDogo 137 🐶

2022-03-16: The Early Riser Day 66 🎙🌅 Waking without the need to talk. Day and night temperatures are very different.

2022-03-15: DailyDogo 136 🐶

2022-03-15: The Early Riser Day 65 🎙🌅 Just a little test episode. I hope the numbering is not too confusing, but I have not stopped waking …

2022-03-14: DailyDogo 135 🐶

2022-03-13: Why aren’t there any podcast episodes at the moment? No Podcast Episodes are being recorded at the moment as you probably have noticed. The reason is …

2022-03-13: DailyDogo 134 🐶

2022-03-12: DailyDogo 133 🐶

2022-03-11: DailyDogo 132 🐶

2022-03-10: DailyDogo 131 🐶

2022-03-09: DailyDogo 130 🐶

2022-03-09: Second day in a row where I can’t upload a new podcast episode through wavelength. @manton: Could …

2022-03-08: DailyDogo 129 🐶

2022-03-08: .@help I can’t upload audio for some reason. The wavelength app won’t let me.

2022-03-07: DailyDogo 128 🐶

2022-03-07: The Early Riser Day 57 🎙🌅 More about the winter.

2022-03-06: DailyDogo 127 🐶

2022-03-06: The Early Riser Day 56 🎙🌅 About the seasons. Beginning of Winter.

2022-03-05: PuppyCast 17 🐶🎙 Potty training trend positive. Training being calm when she can’t see me or my partner. A weird …

2022-03-05: DailyDogo 126 🐶

2022-03-05: The Early Riser Day 55 🎙🌅 How did I end up here?

2022-03-04: DailyDogo 125 🐶

2022-03-04: The Early Riser Day 54 🎙🌅 The services in my town. We lost the only book store.

2022-03-03: DailyDogo 124 🐶

2022-03-03: The Early Riser Day 53 🎙🌅 Describing the surroundings of the… town? city? Three national parks.

2022-03-02: DailyDogo 123 🐶

2022-03-02: The Early Riser Day 52 🎙🌅 Describing the surrounding area.

2022-03-01: DailyDogo 122 🐶

2022-03-01: The Early Riser Day 51 🎙🌅 I continue to describe my surroundings. This time: a part of the yard.

2022-02-28: DailyDogo 121 🐶

2022-02-28: The Early Riser Day 50(!) 🎙🌅 Trying and mostly failing to describe my surroundings.

2022-02-27: Using rdfind To Deduplicate Obsidian Dropbox Backups EDIT 2022-03-01: The following still works but I can’t recommend using the aut-o-backups …

2022-02-27: DailyDogo 120 🐶

2022-02-27: Good Apps - Obsidian Obsidian is a personal knowledge base and note taking app with a lot of flexibility and extensions …

2022-02-27: The Early Riser Day 49 🎙🌅 Nothing to say.

2022-02-26: DailyDogo 119 🐶

2022-02-26: PuppyCast 16 🐶🎙 Zac George Video I was talking about. What is the heel command in Finnish? Training calming down.

2022-02-26: The Early Riser Day 48 🎙🌅 The Article is called: The Myth of the Present Moment

2022-02-25: DailyDogo 118 🐶

2022-02-25: The Early Riser Day 47 🎙🌅 Any problems you may have in a particular area of your life are the result of the system that …

2022-02-24: DailyDogo 117 🐶

2022-02-24: The Early Riser Day 46 🎙🌅 Reasoning about sleep is hard.

2022-02-23: DailyDogo 116 🐶

2022-02-23: The Early Riser Day 45 🎙🌅 Waiting for the sun to rise.

2022-02-22: 22.2.22 ❤️

2022-02-22: DailyDogo 115 🐶

2022-02-22: DailyDogo 114 🐶

2022-02-22: The Early Riser Day 44 🎙🌅 Habit change is possible in general and for me specifically.

2022-02-21: The Early Riser Day 43 🎙🌅 A successful morning is defined by a million little things going right.

2022-02-20: DailyDogo 113 🐶

2022-02-20: The Early Riser Day 42 🎙🌅 We got lucky with our accommodations in Oulu. I got unlucky white recording this because people had …

2022-02-19: PuppyCast 15 🐶🎙 This time from Oulu instead of Kuusamo.

2022-02-19: DailyDogo 112 🐶

2022-02-19: The Early Riser Day 41 🎙🌅 Going to the city even though we are not going to take part in the puppy school classes anymore.

2022-02-18: DailyDogo 111 🐶

2022-02-18: The Early Riser Day 40 🎙🌅 A Podcast Recommendation: Cortex. Their Yearly Themes Episode.

2022-02-17: DailyDogo 110 🐶

2022-02-17: The Early Riser Day 39 🎙🌅 Waking up a little earlier.

2022-02-16: DailyDogo 109 🐶

2022-02-16: The Early Riser Day 38 🎙🌅 Complaining where my time has gone now that it has become normal for me to wake up so early.

2022-02-15: DailyDogo 108 🐶

2022-02-15: The Early Riser Day 37 🎙🌅 It is “Arschkalt”. Loving the silence of the early morning.

2022-02-14: DailyDogo 107 🐶

2022-02-14: The Early Riser Day 36 🎙🌅 Power naps are magic.

2022-02-13: DailyDogo 106 🐶

2022-02-13: Finished reading: Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman 📚 -> My thoughts: Impermanence And …

2022-02-13: Impermanence And Improvement Four thousand weeks by Oliver Burkeman is a book about admitting and embracing the finitude of the …

2022-02-13: My Current Highlighting And Annotation Setup Currently my highlighting and annotation setup looks like this: Ebooks: Kindle - Even though Amazon …

2022-02-13: The Early Riser Day 35 🎙🌅 No content really today. Sorry about that.

2022-02-12: PuppyCast 14 🐶🎙 Puppy school troubles.

2022-02-12: DailyDogo 105 🐶

2022-02-12: The Early Riser Day 34 🎙🌅 Waking up late.

2022-02-11: DailyDogo 104 🐶

2022-02-11: The Early Riser Day 33 🎙🌅 Puppy school part 2.

2022-02-10: DailyDogo 103 🐶

2022-02-10: The Early Riser Day 32 🎙🌅 Describing the surroundings.

2022-02-09: DailyDogo 102 🐶

2022-02-09: The Early Riser Day 31 🎙🌅 Coming up with topics.

2022-02-08: DailyDogo 101 🐶

2022-02-08: The Early Riser Day 30(!) 🎙🌅 Waking up before the alarm. Bargaining with yourself.

2022-02-07: DailyDogo 100(!) 🐶

2022-02-07: The Early Riser Day 29 🎙🌅 Keeping the loved ones in mind.

2022-02-06: DailyDogo 99 🐶

2022-02-06: The Early Riser Day 28 🎙🌅 Back at home. Being proud of having made it this far.

2022-02-05: PuppyCast 13 🐶🎙 Puppy school: First lesson. Some negatives but also some positives.

2022-02-05: DailyDogo 98 🐶

2022-02-05: The Early Riser Day 27 🎙🌅 90 minutes later to bed, 90 minutes earlier awake. This is fine.

2022-02-04: DailyDogo 97 🐶

2022-02-04: The Early Riser Day 26 🎙🌅 Puppy school in another city.

2022-02-03: DailyDogo 96 🐶

2022-02-03: The Early Riser Day 25 🎙🌅 What happens after I publish these?

2022-02-02: DailyDogo 95 🐶

2022-02-02: Goals And Ideas For 2022 In January I did a yearly Review and planning session, a thing I always try to do every year. This …

2022-02-02: Current Home Screen: the upper widget is a stack. The lower is siri app suggestions.

2022-02-02: The Early Riser Day 24 🎙🌅 Dog has an inflamed bladder and needs to pee often.

2022-02-01: DailyDogo 94 🐶

2022-02-01: The Early Riser Day 23 🎙🌅 Trying to get the dog out into the freezing cold for a walk.

2022-01-31: DailyDogo 94 🐶

2022-01-31: (I can’t wait for Albums on the mac)

2022-01-31: The Early Riser Day 22 🎙🌅 Waking up before the alarm.

2022-01-30: DailyDogo 93 🐶

2022-01-30: The Early Riser Day 21 🎙🌅 Three weeks straight.

2022-01-29: PuppyCast 12 🐶🎙 Meeting a big corgi. Puppy school starts next week. Training wait and going to a place. Leash …

2022-01-29: DailyDogo 92 🐶

2022-01-29: The Early Riser Day 20 🎙🌅 Snowplow Alarm

2022-01-28: DailyDogo 91 🐶

2022-01-28: The Early Riser Day 19 🎙🌅 Podcastus Interuptus.

2022-01-27: DailyDogo 90 🐶

2022-01-27: The Early Riser Day 18 🎙🌅 Waking the dog

2022-01-26: DailyDogo 89 🐶

2022-01-26: The Early Riser Day 17 🎙🌅 Half an hour earlier and a snow rabbit.

2022-01-25: DailyDogo 88 🐶

2022-01-25: The Early Riser Day 16 🎙🌅 Waking up in the night wasn’t a problem.

2022-01-24: DailyDogo 87 🐶

2022-01-24: The Early Riser Day 15 🎙🌅 The earliest riser.

2022-01-23: DailyDogo 86 🐶

2022-01-23: Notes on Notes - Increment by Increment Writing notes and connecting them is a practice of incremental improvement. You start with something …

2022-01-23: Notes on Notes - Change There will be ebbs and flows. As you change, your note taking practice is likely to change. Some …

2022-01-23: Notes on Notes - Why do it Why would you do that work? Do you want to do that work? Why? A note taking system can only be good …

2022-01-23: Notes on Notes - Connect Notes In order to connect notes you first have to write them. If you have notes you can start to link …

2022-01-23: Notes on Notes - Write Notes A note-taking system without notes doesn’t make much sense. You have to accumulate notes. Do …

2022-01-23: The Early Riser Day 14 🎙🌅 AirPods stress reality

2022-01-22: DailyDogo 85 🐶

2022-01-22: PuppyCast 011 🐶🎙 The week of teething.

2022-01-22: Good Apps - Due Due is a wonderful reminders and timers app for the Mac and iPhone/iPad that syncs via iCloud. Due …

2022-01-22: The Early Riser Day 13 🎙🌅 Using time in bed effectively.

2022-01-21: DailyDogo 84 🐶

2022-01-21: The Early Riser Day 12 🎙🌅 Missing an hour of sleep.

2022-01-20: DailyDogo 83 🐶

2022-01-20: The Early Riser Day 11 🎙🌅 Standing up right away is key.

2022-01-19: DailyDogo 82 🐶

2022-01-19: Good Apps - Daytum Daytum is a simple web app to track all the little things in your life. Think of it as an app that …

2022-01-19: The Early Riser Day 10 🎙🌅 Happy with the progress.

2022-01-18: DailyDogo 81 🐶

2022-01-18: Good Apps - Albums Albums is a music app for iOS that will use your Apple Music library and is focused on playing full …

2022-01-18: The Early Riser Day 9 🎙🌅 The dissimilarity of similar days.

2022-01-17: DailyDogo 80 🐶

2022-01-17: The Early Riser Day 8 🎙🌅 Power Outage!

2022-01-16: DailyDogo 79 🐶

2022-01-16: The Early Riser Day 7 🎙🌅 A totally different morning. A little late to bed.

2022-01-15: Still oftentimes just skimming the Micro.blog timeline instead of catching up with it because there …

2022-01-15: DailyDogo 78 🐶

2022-01-15: PuppyCast 010 🐶🎙 Napu is an early riser, too. Visiting a skiing village.

2022-01-15: Would you look at that super cute dog there in @manton’s announcement of Micro.blog for …

2022-01-15: Short Posts With Titles One kind of blog post that I really like is a short post with a title. One or two paragraphs about a …

2022-01-15: The Early Riser Day 6 🎙🌅 6:30 on a Saturday and I’m happy about it.

2022-01-14: DailyDogo 77 🐶

2022-01-14: The Early Riser Day 5 🎙🌅 Had to take half a day off because of a headache. Two power naps yesterday. Feeling good.

2022-01-13: DailyDogo 76 🐶

2022-01-13: The Early Riser Day 4 🎙🌅 Too tired. Disturbed rhythms.

2022-01-12: DailyDogo 75 🐶

2022-01-12: The Early Riser Day 3 🎙🌅 Yesterday I survived without taking power naps.

2022-01-11: DailyDogo 74 🐶

2022-01-11: The Early Riser Day 2 🎙🌅 Steve Pavlina: How To Become An Early Riser Tired, but: Awake! Should have taken a power nap more.

2022-01-10: DailyDogo 73 🐶

2022-01-10: The Early Riser Day 1 🎙🌅 Good start!

2022-01-09: DailyDogo 72🐶

2022-01-08: DailyDogo 71 🐶

2022-01-08: PuppyCast 009 🐶🎙 Happy about the progress. It’s very cold. Napu looses her teeth!

2022-01-08: .@help How do you restore one of those special pages if you have deleted it? I’m talking about …

2022-01-08: Adventures with Hugo: Configure Hugo's Native Syntax Highlighting On Micro.Blog If you are one of the brave people that uses Hugo Version 0.91 and wants to take advantage of …

2022-01-07: .@help It seems to me that the highlight part of an otherwise working overriden config.json in a …

2022-01-07: DailyDogo 70 🐶

2022-01-07: The bug in the highlighting happens even if you create the post via the API, which probably means …

2022-01-07: Found a way to run the old hugo version 0.54.0 locally (thanks to this asdf version manager plugin) …

2022-01-06: DailyDogo 69 🐶

2022-01-05: DailyDogo 68 🐶

2022-01-04: DailyDogo 67

2022-01-04: It's Impossible To Take Your Time With Everything There is this weird dream logic inside me that wants to do everything I want to do in a …

2022-01-03: DailyDogo 66 🐶

2022-01-03: I Really Like Console Games Have to say that I really enjoy the xbox experience a lot. The whole idea of a gaming console on …

2022-01-02: DailyDogo 65 🐶

2022-01-02: .@help I can’t seem to find this post to add a picture. That the pic is missing, could that be …

2022-01-02: .@help Adding a picture to this post doesn’t work through the mac app:(I noticed that I seemed …

2022-01-01: .@manton Also: Why are theme errors not shown in the log? But here?

2022-01-01: .@manton The design/template UI workflow is really not that good. Instead of using a two column …

2022-01-01: 2021 - Year Of Strain A difficult year. In better moments it was a so-so year. In other moments in which I take the bigger …

2022-01-01: DailyDogo 64 🐶

2022-01-01: PuppyCast 008 🐶🎙 A new year. Puppy School. Being more vocal/communicating more.

2021-12-31: .@help Somehow while playing with my testblog I ended up with a weird situation: Note that 1.) The …

2021-12-31: DailyDogo 63 🐶

2021-12-30: DailyDogo 62 🐶

2021-12-30: I barely Can Watch Movies Anymore I barely can watch movies anymore. This has less to do with problems of changing aesthetics and me …

2021-12-29: DailyDogo 61 🐶

2021-12-29: DailyDogo 60 🐶

2021-12-27: DailyDogo 59 🐶

2021-12-26: DailyDogo 58 🐶

2021-12-25: DailyDogo 57 🐶

2021-12-25: PuppyCast 007 🐶🎙 A short Christmas update. Visiting new places. Chewing new cables.

2021-12-24: DailyDogo 56 🐶

2021-12-23: DailyDogo 55 🐶

2021-12-22: DailyDogo 54 🐶

2021-12-21: DailyDogo 53 🐶

2021-12-20: DailyDogo 52 🐶

2021-12-20: It is kinda amazing how powerful Google Sheets has become…

2021-12-19: DailyDogo 51 🐶

2021-12-19: Working on my audio note taking workflow. Things are happening! 😊

2021-12-18: DailyDogo 50 (!) 🐶

2021-12-18: Puppycast 006 🐶 Second vaccination went well, leave it training seemingly unlocked the fetch game for us, fetch and …

2021-12-18: Whittling down the amount of apps on my home screen to make space for more audio based journaling …

2021-12-17: DailyDogo 49 🐶

2021-12-16: DailyDogo 48 🐶

2021-12-15: DailyDogo 47 🐶

2021-12-14: DailyDogo 46 🐶

2021-12-13: DailyDogo 45 🐶

2021-12-13: Cool. Forward

2021-12-12: DailyDogo 44 🐶

2021-12-12: Puppycast 005 🐶 No big news stories this week. She’s growing. Training is going well, but she now barks at me when I …

2021-12-11: DailyDogo 43 🐶

2021-12-10: DailyDogo 42 🐶

2021-12-09: DailyDogo 41 🐶

2021-12-08: DailyDogo 40 🐶

2021-12-07: DailyDogo 39 🐶

2021-12-07: DailyDogo 38 🐶 (little 🦈)

2021-12-05: DailyDogo 37 🐶

2021-12-05: Puppycast 004 Part2 🐶🎙 Not researched mitigation techniques are a bad idea. Status Quo nipping, barking and potty training. …

2021-12-05: Puppycast 004 Part1 🐶🎙 Not researched mitigation techniques are a bad idea. Status Quo nipping, barking and potty training. …

2021-12-04: DailyDogo 36 🐶

2021-12-03: DailyDogo 35 🐶

2021-12-02: DailyDogo 34 🐶

2021-12-01: DailyDogo 33 🐶

2021-11-30: DailyDogo 32 🐶

2021-11-29: DailyDogo 31 🐶

2021-11-28: There might not be a Puppycast 🐶🎙 this week, because after recording it three times already, also …

2021-11-28: DailyDogo 30 🐶

2021-11-28: DailyDogo 29 🐶

2021-11-28: DailyDogo 28 🐶

2021-11-25: DailyDogo 27 🐶

2021-11-24: DailyDogo 26 🐶

2021-11-23: DailyDogo 25 🐶

2021-11-22: DailyDogo 24 🐶

2021-11-22: DailyDogo 23 🐶

2021-11-20: Puppycast 003 🐶 Continuation of the allergy saga, positive reinforcement, seeing her grow, capturing behaviors (wait …

2021-11-20: DailyDogo 22 🐶

2021-11-19: DailyDogo 21 🐶

2021-11-18: DailyDogo 20(!) 🐶

2021-11-17: DailyDogo 19 🐶

2021-11-16: DailyDogo 18 🐶

2021-11-16: DailyDogo 17 🐶

2021-11-14: Puppycast 002 🐶 allergies , nipping, potty training is hard, barking, first Puppy date

2021-11-14: DailyDogo 16 🐶

2021-11-14: Puppycast for this week is still coming. It seems that I deleted the episode instead of publishing …

2021-11-13: DailyDogo 15 🐶

2021-11-13: DailyDogo 14 🐶 (Yesterday’s)

2021-11-11: DailyDogo 13 🐶

2021-11-10: DailyDogo 12 🐶

2021-11-09: DailyDogo 11 🐶

2021-11-08: DailyDogo 10 🐶

2021-11-07: DailyDogo 9 🐶

2021-11-06: DailyDogo 8 🐶

2021-11-06: Puppycast 001 🐶 Our puppy Napu has now stayed her first week with us. First impressions. Nervousness. Sleep …

2021-11-05: DailyDogo 7 🐶

2021-11-05: DailyDogo 6 🐶 (Yesterday’s)

2021-11-03: DailyDogo 5 🐶

2021-11-02: DailyDogo 4 🐶

2021-11-01: DailyDogo 3 🐶

2021-10-31: DailyDogo 2 🐶

2021-10-30: DailyDogo 1 🐶

2021-10-28: Learning by maintaining is probably my favorite way to become a better developer. The only thing …

2021-10-18: First flight to Germany in almost two years. Mostly to visit (some of) the family. First from …

2021-10-15: I fucked up the third MR in a row in this one project. From MRs missing parts to MRs that do not …

2021-10-14: There is nothing more satisfying in programming to me than being able to take my time.

2021-10-11: My favorite coding project is one with a well stocked and refined backlog and a working pace under …

2021-10-10: My first Americano ever. I like it a lot.

2021-10-08: Finally have an idea for a micro cast.

2021-10-03: Expectations and Entitlement The problem with good free hobbyist websites is that some people misunderstand; just because these …

2021-09-30: Problems of the Social or Properties of the Social Problems with "the social" are emergent properties of the social1. Since they are properties, we're …

2021-09-27: Wikipedia and Mündigkeit I am amazed that one of the most important, if not the single most important term in continental and …

2021-09-26: Able To Post Again My playing around with custom themes led to errors in the building of my site. Haven’t been …

2021-09-26: Relieved to see, that my posts seem to make it through. It is amazing what makes me nervous these …

2021-09-23: Puppy Fever I have a bad case of puppy fever. It’s true. For years it has been this way. After moving to …

2021-09-22: A little boat trip on the upper part of the Oulankajoki - About 15 km. Our bodies were so sore the …

2021-09-17: I said a while ago that my GF and I switched from Youtube Music to Apple Music. While she is back …

2021-09-17: I am introducing a new collegue to the project and it is a joy to notice how much I have actually …

2021-09-15: I just stumbled upon this, while scrolling through the iPhone 13 pages on Apple’s website: The …

2021-09-14: Teamflow is a kind of virtual office, in which every worker has a “video” bubble, that …

2021-09-14: A kind of Obsidian lite? nota.md

2021-09-13: … and done!

2021-09-13: Vegetable pasta. 🧑‍🍳

2021-09-12: Colors of the ruska season in the Riisitunturi Nationalpark

2021-09-12: Just upgraded to MB premium! Reasons forthcoming.

2021-09-12: The maxfun show story break is gonna end their run in 5 eps. Damn. Not one of my regular shows, but …

2021-09-11: The Netflix movie Kate, which we just watched, is amazing. Check it out if you haven’t already.

2021-09-10: (I should really pledge to interact with people here, every day, a little bit.)

2021-09-10: What a nice thought: My mom sent me a Google Nest Mini for my birthday. But: In Finnland you …

2021-09-09: Kinda surprising: The recommendations on library thing are very very good. I’m tracking my …

2021-09-06: Working with heavily linked notes shows that one unexpected value of a link is not the link but its …

2021-09-06: When I think about it, it is very fascinating to think that my body can metabolize food and drinks. …

2021-09-03: Jeez. Somebody blocked the ventilation slits above almost all of our windows in our apartment …

2021-08-30: Hm. For how much I dislike when a discussion gets derailed, I tend to do it quite often. We had such …

2021-08-29: This vacation has me the most motivated about writing in a few years. Have to transform it somehow …

2021-08-17: Accidentally opened twitter. Ugh. I want to be enlightened and able to say: You can have or be part …

2021-08-16: Thinking about starting my own newsletter.

2021-08-16: First little balcony harvest. 🌱 It wasn’t easy or sure with all the scaffolding from the roof reno …

2021-08-15: On Quoting And Commenting Today I discovered Manuel Moreale’s Blog thanks to this great endorsement by @uncertainquark …

2021-08-14: I had a feeling something was up after this week’s RecDiffs - which was excellent btw. As if …

2021-08-14: That there hasn’t been a new Back To Work in two weeks has me gravely concerned for …

2021-08-13: Finished reading: Blue Nights by Joan Didion 📚My thoughts: The Melancholic Richness Of Frailty

2021-08-13: The Melancholic Richness Of Frailty This book is as much about aging than it is about her adopted daughter Quintana. It is a sad book. …

2021-08-11: A very good person to follow on here, if you are interested in web development, is @baldur. He links …

2021-08-09: When will I learn that early flights are to blame for everything? Their seductive quality of „having …

2021-08-08: Test was negative. What a relief.

2021-08-06: First Corona test ever. Hopefully it’s nothing.

2021-07-26: Switched over today from Youtube Music to Apple Music. Something I wanted to try for a while, but …

2021-07-24: Finished reading: The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion AND Let Me Tell You What I Mean also …

2021-07-24: Acceptance As A Worthwhile Struggle As I said in my last review: I love autobiographical writing. To continue the theme, I recently …

2021-07-24: Birdnet made the rounds on hacker news yesterday. Can’t wait to test it out when we’re …

2021-07-18: Finished reading: The Art of the Wasted Day by Patricia Hampl 📚For my thoughts see: The Art Of …

2021-07-18: Also learned that you can archive your posts to github and to the internet archive. Great stuff …

2021-07-18: Now I need to figure out how to migrate all the old blog posts from all the other blogs here. Many …

2021-07-18: Just set up my custom domain so that it would point to my micro blog instead of an old blog I …

2021-07-17: The Art Of Writing About Yourself A favorite book of mine is one that looks back. One that is thickly layered in the complications of …

2021-07-10: The possibility to edit one’s own posts after the fact on micro.blog, is something I really …

2021-07-10: After not working for about two weeks, the people putting up the scaffolding around the house …

2021-07-09: Calling family will never not be a trial to me. I’m just bad at keeping people in the loop. …

2021-07-06: The Jerk Prodigy, Or: Who Am I To A Person That Doesn't Like Me? When I was looking through my DayOne posts - the recent acquisition of the journaling app by …

2021-07-02: Construction work throughout the whole pretty short summer sucks. But we make the best of it …

2021-07-01: One thing that will be tricky for me is that I‘m no native English speaker. And although for most …

2021-07-01: They are building a roof on our roof!

2021-06-28: I just LOVE that I can just write slightly longer posts like the last one if that fits with what I …

2021-06-28: What a beautiful day! I had taken a vacation day from work today. After I woke up to help my GF in …

2021-06-27: From Ristikallio To The Heart Of Oulanka Mosquito bitten and sore from carrying the heavy backpacks while walking through difficult terrain, …

2021-06-24: Emojitags and the trouble of the inevitability of Trends Just read @manton’s old post on the deliberate lack of Hashtags on here. I think the concept …

2021-06-24: Starting fresh on my work computer because of changed policies around private use and a new …

2021-06-21: If you want to make me monologue without end, give me a question where framing is important, like: …

2021-06-21: I found myself laughing out loud today. To myself. While nobody was at home. It’s probably …

2021-06-20: Uff. The drama around the roof reconstruction continues. They decided to work on Sunday, too. …

2021-06-19: Hiking was indeed nice. Now a late dinner cooking session to feed us hungry and exhausted nature …

2021-06-19: Approximating talented hosting (The era of the Pre-Post-Pandemic means that having guests over becomes possible again. It’s a …

2021-06-19: Having a guest (Friend of GF) over. My GF and me both are not natural hosts. We stress cleaned like …

2021-06-18: Also: Just got my first vaccination. Thank goodness we are still allowed to go to Sauna!

2021-06-18: Would’ve been good to inform the tenants more than 2 days in advance that the roof will be …

2021-06-17: We started watching 911 Lonestar (3 eps in) and we like it. I especially like it for making …

2021-06-17: Speaking of @merlinmann: Got inspired to try something new, after seeing him enthusiastically …

2021-06-17: Hi! So. Hi! I’m matti. I’m a German living in north-eastern Finland. I work as a developer …

2021-06-17: So.