That 1000th pic in my “Daily Dogo” series marks by sheer coincidence also the third year that Napu is on this planet.
She has not been with us from day zero, of course, that day will come in October. Also, I according to wolfram alpha, I have dropped 23 days somewhere along the way:

I guess I don’t mind it that much and I’m not going to fix it either. Especially in the beginning when doing things manually every day or when traveling and having to repair the streak things got at times untidy. But whatever.
Not all pics are great, but I am immensely proud to have stuck to publishing these for all this time.
A big thank you to anybody who liked these posts on Mastodon or MB!
And even bigger thank you to my partner E. who provided a good amount of the best pictures when I didn’t have any good photos (or sometimes any at all) of our shared little chaos agent.
If you’re curious how the process works: I use shortcuts and an app called Humboldt by Maurice Parker (@vincode on MB) to publish these posts semi-automatically.
Here are some screenshots:

This one is built out of two other shortcuts:

This one converts and then uploads an image of my photos app to MB.

This one looks at the rss feed of the daily dogo category and does some string manipulation to get the next number for the daily dogo.
So there you have it. Not very fancy. Not doing alt texts for these pains me at times, but I am pretty sure that I probably would have stopped the project when I had a tough time otherwise. It really is thanks to the shortcut that I managed to keep this up for so long.