Amazingly bad weather today. Snow is melting. It rains and it’s dark already(it’s only 5 pm). And the only thing I feel is a kind of science-fiction coziness. I imagine we would have to endure weather like this when we will settle other planets. I’m ready for it.

My MicroMonday rec goes to @baldur for his different viewpoint on the web dev world.

Come for the different perspective on the status quo, stay for the occasional photo of Iceland.

I just pledged 210$ for a cooperative board game that I might never play: It’s the board game version of Slay The Spire, maybe the only game I put as much hours into as Diablo 2 back in the day, which tells a lot. (Stellaris is a distant third, which also tells a lot).

I was just out with the dog 🐶 in the dark, grayish, cold and freezing-melting-freezing weather we have here. And even though it is dark and unfriendly outside, it didn’t change my mood at all. I was just thinking about my side project, the various research avenues I want to explore in my note taking and so on. Then I noticed: What a privilege to have things to look forward to doing.

Looking at math proofs for the first time in a very long time. I wish that math would have not been such a traumatizing subject in my university time.

Lots of walking with the dog 🐶 in the morning today. Therefore not a lot of “sitting on the computer work” - not the only type of work - got done.